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Legacy of Viola Wandren

Posted: March 9th, 2021, 2:36 am
by TheOriginalFive
Character Introduction

Viola Wandren

“Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.”
- J. M. Barrie

Maiden Voyage by The Clockwork Dolls
Maiden Voyage: Instrumental Version


Full Name: Viola Wandren
Birthdate: 23 Goldleaf
Birthplace: Redholme
Birthsign: Cog

Age: 29
Height: 5’6”
Weight: Quite light.
Eyes: Dark brown.
Hair: Untidy black curls that flow all over the place.
Skin: Is quite pale with a hint of ruddiness.
Handedness: Right-handed.
Posture: Stands upright.
Hygiene: She is often neatly dressed.
Scent: Unsure? She certainly doesn’t smell like a dump.

Physical Description: Slightly taller than the average woman, Viola tries her best not to stand out too much from the crowd, though she ends up being noticed anyway.

General Health: Decent health, aside from bad eyesight in one eye.
Profession: Cook, trainee doctor.
Faction Affiliation: Sindelar’s Institute of Anatomical Sciences (formerly). R&T Enterprises (current).
Languages: Speaks common Decusian more often than Northryian.
Accent: Somewhat stilted despite years of speaking either language.
Roleplay Tools: A small suitcase with her personal effects, including a notebook on fashion design, gardening, and cooking. Spare bowties are included.

Hobbies: She’s fond of reading and fine art.
Habits: Is frequently daydreaming.

Personality Description: Wandren is a very idealistic woman and a dreamer.

History: Viola is one of the elder children of the Wandren family. She left Redholme to seek out the Institute of Anatomical Sciences so that she could help prevent the Torment from threatening her siblings. As of current time, she found the Institute and entered their ranks.

Strengths: Wandren is a caring and reasonably intelligent woman. She is capable of sleeping rough and living in austere conditions.
Weaknesses: She is extremely sheltered and naïve. It leads her to coming off as tactless more often than not. Because of that same naivete, she finds it difficult to step up to higher levels of responsibility.

Governing Virtue: Spirituality.
Governing Throne: Shame.

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Posted: March 17th, 2021, 3:09 am
by TheOriginalFive
Musings so far

I went to the First Province and after some misunderstandings with the Legion trying to recruit me, I found the Institute. However, a week after I joined, it seemed Dr Sindelar fell into a stupor. None of us were truly prepared for what was outside the walls of the Fort.

The monsters appear to be worse than the adventure novels I used to read to my many siblings back home. Though it's small consolation that I seem to be considered as skilled a cook as before I left Redholme entirely.

Still not sure what to make of things, I promised my siblings that I'd seek some way to stop the Torment from coming to our doorstep. Perhaps I should seek out mentorship elsewhere, but everyone is wrapped up in their concerns. Much like myself with running the shop Wondrous Wares.

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Posted: March 17th, 2021, 8:25 am
by TheOriginalFive
Wondrous Wares

I'd like to think it was sheer luck that business boomed the way it did. Like I said to the officer outside the Pass, I expected hungry people aplenty.

Back home, I taught Florys and Cerise how to cook too. But they were more interested in woodwork and rocks. Now that I've gone, they should be keeping house in order along with our parents and the rest of the family.

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Posted: March 20th, 2021, 1:05 am
by TheOriginalFive
Off the beaten path?

Although I am glad for how my business has been picking up, I've heard of others setting up home in the deeper parts of the wild. Despite the dangers they are willing to risk it all against the monsters of the woods.

Have I got the guts to try? If I fail to make the trek there, I'll break the promise I made to my siblings that the Torment would never come knocking at our doorstep.

I've taken to reading manuals of various topics in preparation for the long journey. I hope I can finish understanding them before the time comes.

I once confided to Koss that I used to practice bare handed martial arts, but I must learn something else just in case.

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Posted: March 24th, 2021, 3:47 am
by TheOriginalFive
Whispers on the wind
There have been more happenings up north, and some changes in the Fort as well. Some troubling news, even. On the other hand, there are new faces, new groups, and new kinships.

I really hope that all of us can work together towards the common goal of reclaiming Tor. I have yet to fulfill my promise to my siblings.

I found a wooden staff in one of the donation barrels in the craft hall. It seems perfectly ordinary. Now to check out one of those guidebooks on combat tactics.

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Posted: March 30th, 2021, 2:41 am
by TheOriginalFive
Trouble in Teneborough?

I rode to Teneborough to attend an assembly meeting. It was pretty much under control, and Mote and Varius came later along with Jane.

Halfway through the town guards kept shouting and running after something we can't really see, much less from upstairs. Mote said she saw half of the ruckus.

Mr Winterborn and I stayed behind while Mr Renatus, Mr Mercer, and Mr Lamora rushed out to deal with the intruders. I'm glad they made it back safely.

What troubles me is that one of the culprits disrupting the meeting was someone that the Giant spoke of in high regard. His backup, so to speak. Mr Renatus had talked about how the Legion insists on walking over everyone. To see it for myself...

At least I can look forward to Mr Winterborn's building projects being finished.

After the meeting adjourned we took a walk to Riverside and rented horses to get back to the Fort.

I don't know about the others' routes but my horse somehow thought it was a good idea to run through the undead camp and then right into an imperial reed cat! If it wasn't for everyone's advice to wear some armor I wouldn't be writing this.

I really need to arrange some kind of transport on the south route as well as finish reading that self defense manual.

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Posted: April 8th, 2021, 7:34 pm
by TheOriginalFive
Sweetness and Light
I really don't understand why certain people would keep messing around with the other settlements in the wilds. It's not just Teneborough that experienced disruptions, but Decusia and possibly a few other places. Couldn't we all work together to build towards Tor?

I heard so much about it being the jewel of Decusian civilization. I wanted to go there when I was very young, but I never could. My parents were often busy with their work on the country farm.

I loved Redholme, but I was curious about Tor in its prime. Then when it fell, I was disappointed that I'd never see its old wonders again. Still, I believe if we all pull ourselves together, we can bring it back from the dark.

Still, back in the Fort the rest of us are on very good terms. I hope to publish a little primer on planting food crops soon. The constant neglect of the plants not placed by the Foundry irks me. As soon as talks for public opening of a printing press go through, that is.

I'll do a practical demonstration for those who can't read well, too.

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Posted: April 11th, 2021, 3:56 am
by TheOriginalFive
In the Limelight

I meant to ride to Teneborough first thing after I checked my food stands, but Jaxon was ranting and raving at the fountain again. Complained about R&T and some other sort of conspiracy theory, then scaring two of the newcomers to the fort!

Mr Avi (as Mote calls him), thinks Jaxon's claims are incredibly unfounded.

The ride up north was uneventful aside from a bear chasing after me halfway. I wasn't as worried this time, though.

Mr Thrupp and Mr Lamora weren't around that day. So we had to decide on a temporary director. When Mr Renatus asked me to do so, I was incredibly surprised. I promised I'd try my best, especially as the Black Wolves, Bragon the Hermit, Mote, Mr Howell, and some of the Legion attended.

I read out a number of things on the docket that Mr Winterborn was enthusiastic about, like his road project and talks for the printing press. I'm not sure if I put my foot in mouth again as the Wolves went off halfway through.

Still, I continued on, informing the rest about the issues raised in the docket; from Mr Prodain's appointment as ambassador for future talks, to what we should name our town's horse.

I hope I've done well enough to let the meeting go on smoothly. I managed to lay claim on one set of lockers in the warehouse after the meeting.

It was nothing compared to what happened that night, sadly. When I was heading out on an errand to the Foundry farm, I came across Mote, Koss, and one of the de Ravin sisters burying Aisha. I helped them fill the grave after her last rites were done.

Aisha had been found dead in an empty cave in the north, apparently dead shortly after I left for Teneborough. I wish I hadn't accidentally brushed her off when I first met her. It's a terrible blow, especially if Aisha was murdered...

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Posted: April 17th, 2021, 5:49 am
by TheOriginalFive
Pillars of the Community
Witnessed the cutting and burning of Jaxon's body yesterday, Thaddeus conducted the event. At least there will be less ranting and raving at the fountain now.

Today was fairly eventful after I rode up to Teneborough for a quick board meeting. Mr Renatus, Mr Winterborn, and Mr Lamora were present. Much to my surprise, Mr Howell was planning to join R&T as a subsidiary, and Samara attended the meeting again.

All of us agreed that Mr Howell was very much welcome, especially since Mr Mercer wanted to focus on something else rather than his mercenary band. Mr Howell's experience with army-level training will be a boon to us.

I noticed that Samara and Mr Winterborn were talking a lot more often even in the Fort, they must be great friends. After the meeting, Mr Winterborn asked me to take care of the town inn and that Samara would be renting one of the top rooms.

After that, I made my way to a hunter's shack and wrote out an enormous order of various cuts of raw meat. It was when I got back that trouble started again.

Kaine had posted a notice about a possible afflicted sighting near Teneborough tonight. When I saw him at the fountain with Jane, Jane wanted to go. We tried to dissuade her until Mote turned up, then Vance and one of the Black Wolves. The rest of them continued talking about how to best go about confirming Kaine's sighting.
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Eventually all of them went off with Mr Prodain to search for confirmation.
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I didn't go with them, I had heard rumors that I was the sole provider of good food in the whole Fort. I hope whatever it is doesn't come into Teneborough or the Fort for that matter.

Re: Legacy of Viola Wandren

Posted: April 26th, 2021, 5:28 am
by TheOriginalFive
How doth the little busy bee...
Teneborough just published its first edition of the town paper last week. It was a hit even though Mr Renatus got carried away and badgered random people to buy it. Josephine de Ravin had to step in before he stopped doing that, especially as he was bothering people praying at the pyre.
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We talked about the ethics of firing a gun at people. I said I hope I never have reason to strike or shoot anybody in the province. Though what Mr Renatus said next had me wondering how well I am keeping my promise to my siblings.
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A few days later we had a meeting in the town hall to discuss the full integration of the Banners, diplomacy plans with other groups, as well as the suburban expansion project for other families to come stay in town.

Just last weekend I helped Mr Winterborn build one of the barracks for the Banners, in the area marked for expansion. It was tiring but it paid off.

All this while I was preparing the storage crates, restocking my shop, and essentially keeping things running in the domestic sphere. I'm glad to continue doing that if it means everyone else will be content and free to work on the harder part of reclaiming Tor.