Development: Hunting and Spawns

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Aeolian Staff
Posts: 368
Character: Isidor Abendroth

Development: Hunting and Spawns

Post by Sic » March 12th, 2021, 4:16 am

"Peculiar figures could be seen entering and exiting the Fort Prae sewers at all times of day and night, with new armed guards setting up posts outside of the main access in town. I observed rancid smelling barrels of fowl liquid stacked around the access, and at least one or two freelance doctors appear very intent in studying their contents. A suspicious scene indeed, however what wasn't here in the First Province?"

- The Understudy

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The Fort Prae sewers are now back in full operation and are a suitable, low-level newbie dungeon for all. Enjoy!

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Aeolian Staff
Posts: 368
Character: Isidor Abendroth

Re: Development: Hunting and Spawns

Post by Sic » March 18th, 2021, 4:43 am

"I continued my studies of the infamous Fort Prae from the shadows, seeking to avoid other refugees and adventurers. For I had seen my fair share of violence already, from the mercenary guards in the Fort manhandling any whom did not follow their laws and rules, to brigands and cutpurses preying upon all. Eventually (and quite naturally, I may add), my canvassing of the Fort brought me to the local graveyard, where I observed a freshly vandalized crypt accented with fresh spilled blood. While I could only imagine what series of unfortunate events led to the forced entry of an otherwise unremarkable mausoleum, I was taken with curiosity and ventured forth to investigate.

Against my better judgement, I descended into the depths of the crypt, finding myself in a near pitch-black darkness. Shambling corpses of a desiccated nature stumbled about in the darkness, easily dispatched by simple blade or bludgeon, and were sent to their eternal rest. Amongst the baubles and other forgotten burial trinkets that lined the crypt, I had managed to find a few serviceable boxes and chests containing, rather surprisingly, objects of magical antiquity and old literature. I took my leave rather quickly."

- The Understudy

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A new newbie level mini-dungeon has been added to the Fort Prae crypts.

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Aeolian Staff
Posts: 368
Character: Isidor Abendroth

Re: Development: Hunting and Spawns

Post by Sic » May 29th, 2021, 1:14 am

"It took only a bit of coin and a few days worth of suggestions over stale ale to convince the would-be pirates to rush into the maws of certain death. I had convinced them that the old Church they had dismissed so many times as ruins had held treasures unfathomable within its depths. When they blew the floor to the old chapel with a keg of black powder, the ensuing bloodbath was the least thing they had expected, for unbeknownst to them, the curious Kaduraas warlocks whom I had been tracking for the past month had claimed the hidden alcoves beneath the ruined Church as their own nearly four weeks prior. I watched, from safe distance, as the warlocks, Ashwalkers they so called themselves, made short work of the half-drunk corsairs and pirates. While their hidden retreat was now cracked wide-open, I had little doubt they’d be able to defend it with relative ease, yet none the less, I would watch with over the next days with great interest whom would dare disturb their lair."

- The Understudy

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