Skill Gain Questions

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Character: Daphne Whitestar

Skill Gain Questions

Post by Mystery » March 14th, 2021, 7:10 pm

I'm suspecting there might be an issue with gains in some skills...

I know the gain rate over the board has been increased and in some skills it's pretty good...

However, I have been trying to raise my Artisanry (which is around 32.0%) by crafting origami paper (success chance around 25%) but going through over 100 attempts I have only gained %0.5 skill. May be I have made some dismal rolls but still it looks a tad suspicious.

Same goes with harvesting plants for raising Agriculture. I believe, the gain rate given by harvesting plants in the wild is incorrect. If I'm not mistaken, if there is a chance of failure when performing an action, there should also be a chance of skill gain. However, I fail *a lot* while trying to harvest corn or carrots but I gain absolutely no skill...

This is probably not a priority but I think it is something to look at in the (hopefully near) future...

Thank you for your attention...

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