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STATEMENT: The Administrative Office of Teneborough

Posted: April 3rd, 2021, 4:25 pm
by Kent
Papers are papered verily upon bulletin boards in all places where bulletin boards exist and are publicly accessible.



3rd of Dewfall, 1346.

Of late, a somewhat organized gaggle of nayer-do-wells have engaged in skirmish near our village, heretofore referred to as 'The Great Skedaddle'

As our assembly met on the night of that 29th day of the month of Thawmist, 1346 A.S, a great commotion was on-going and it was revealed a group of concealed figures were antagonizing and attempting the assault of our town watchmen in the middle of our meeting.

A skirmish ensued during which these three were routed handily and, somehow rising up from being shot and beaten severely, began attacking us once more attempting to do us bodily harm though failing due to their substantive lack of fighting ability. These individuals are the ones listed in our bounty posting of the same day. We suspect their intentions were to assassinate or capture a member of the Assembly once our watchmen were dispatched or distracted.

Being physically assaulted and threatened with the promise of future death by one of these fellows later that eve in Fort Praesidium, we commenced to arresting the fellow and succeeded.

During the escort of this criminal to a cell whence he might await trial, he attempted escape numerous times and had to be quelled no less than five times by force-of-arms. Upon our arrival at Teneborough, he was given medical treatment and offered legal council of his chosing, that we might arrange for whosoever he desired to come before the trial which was scheduled today, the 3rd of Dewfall.

Daily food, water, and even a ration of rum were provided during his incarceration, which was to be only as long as necessary to arrange an impartial judge, one Barnabas Haim, to arrive and consider both sides of the action.

He chose one of his nefarious companions as his legal counselor, an unaccomplishable feat for us for obvious reasons, and refused to cooperate further. During a search of his possessions deciphered magical contraband was found. Due to this and other extenuating circumstances, we advise any who come in contact with these fellows (descriptions available on the bounty) to exercise EXTREME caution.

Any who wish a further examination of our practices may seek as much by speaking to anyone present: we do not act in secret as we make no evil upon others. These events were witnessed by nigh' on ten others, of various allegiances not owed to Renatus & Thrupp Enterprises and we gladly invite public examination of our practices.

Khalkeus 'the Younger' Renatus
Administrator, Teneborough