Foundry Sold Filament to rebalance Economy?

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Posts: 58
Character: Koss Brynd, Lugh Arawn, Lans Tan'tare (dead)

Foundry Sold Filament to rebalance Economy?

Post by Lans » April 7th, 2021, 11:50 am

I was thinking about the nice augments I have in game, then also how earlier near launch there was a period of over-droppage of money on numerous opponents; GMs were nice and didn't just procure the (clearly counterfeit) funds.

But as filament would eventually be available processing NPC loot, is it also possible to see so many of it sold daily at [high] prices by the foundry to help recalibrate the amount of monies floating around a few weeks before its' findable as loot? (Assuming it isn't already. I wouldn't know.)

I know as it stands i'd reasonably pay the foundry 30-50s for a piece of filament if it meant getting one of my augments, so I imagine other players with stashed away gold feel similarly and I thought i'd share the idea of a nifty solution on both ends, though it's also possible staff is tweaking all the augments and we wouldn't know. :lol:

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