A Public Announcement

In-Character message board for the First Torian Legion. Posts made here are considered physical messages upon an in-game message board.

Moderator: silvrfist

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Posts: 75
Character: Vance

A Public Announcement

Post by silvrfist » April 10th, 2021, 8:59 am

*Several announcement posted around Fort Praesidium, Fort Perseverance, Plantation, Crow's Crossing and several other visible places*

10th Dewfall 1346

The First Torian wishes to declare the Northern side of Tenebrae ready for Reclamation for Republic.
As indicated on the map, the above area are now under First Torian protection and supervision, ensuring it is the land for all Decusians to freely travel and gather resources.

Important resource points will be harvested by First Torian for the effort to maintain the peace and protection of everyone under this area.
We accept that Riverside is functioning independently but all other area will be considered First Torian Jurisdictions.
Plantation is now empty with future plans to re-develop into an agriculture powerhouse to feed the growing population in First Province.
Daily patrols to "Pyre Island" will be conducted by Legionnaires to clear the infestation and open to public whom wishes to train themselves in art of defense.

Morover, Fort Perseverance will serve as a military outpost defending the bridge and lands claimed above for all Republic decusians to settle down and be at peace. All existing claims in the area are respected and First Torian seeks to speak with each landowner on plans and developments of the area.

With this, we are pleased to announce the Settlement of Highfield , which will be built north of Fort Perseverance to serve as a safe haven for all crafters and settlers. In due time, more news will be announced by Steward Jakell Wormwood and many exciting plans will be offered to those whom partake in the reclamation project.

Ex Unitate Vires
First Torian Legion


Posts: 75
Character: Vance

Re: A Public Announcement

Post by silvrfist » April 14th, 2021, 10:39 am

14th Dewfall 1346

All Decusians travelling towards Riverside area.
AVOID the ruins of Riverside at all cost.

Group of Cultists, whom previously appeared near Fort Praesidium, has taken up foothold at Riverside. Valiant efforts from First Torian, Wolves, Ravins and Decusians had pushed back the initial waves but they are still persistent on murdering everyone on sight.

For the time being, use the small bridge north of Riverside & avoid contacts with hostiles.
If you need an escort, always approach First Torian or Fort Perseverance for assistance.

Decus Guide our Way.
Ex Unitate Vires
First Torian Legion
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Posts: 75
Character: Vance

Re: A Public Announcement

Post by silvrfist » May 24th, 2021, 11:35 am

24th Flowerbloom 1346

First Torian Fresh Start Scheme

All Decusians that settle within the Reclamation lands claimed by the First Torian Legion, You are entitled to protection and assistance from us. Two different plans are offered to all Decusians and hopeful settlers that seek to start a life in these lands.

1) If you build and settle down within the territories of First Torian Legion, Architectii Vera Silvercrest will personally lay down the foundation for any house design within her capability for FREE and with the BEST locks available in Province. For each house built, The First Torian Legion will work out a personal arrangement to place a Soldier to guard the area and report any wrong-doings. Please approach Praefetus Lucien Silvercrest for more information.

2) If you wish for a communal life, settle near to The Village of Highfield for better arrangements. The more we stick together in the wilderness, the better for everyone. You will be entitled to building foundation layout by Architectii Vera Silvercrest AND Highfield will aid with setting up your homes. Approach Ambassador Graelynn De Ravine for more information.

Decus Guide our Way.
Ex Unitate Vires
First Torian Legion

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