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Legacy of Sister Joan

Posted: September 29th, 2018, 4:22 pm
by Mogrand
[[ Most spoilers redacted, but minor ones below - read at your own risk. DO NOT METAGAME! ]]
[Biography] -  [Journal] - [Theme] - [Screenshots]

Full Name: Sister Joan Verani
Birthdate: Year 1316.
Birthplace: Redholme

Age: 28
Height: 5'8”
Weight: 145LBS
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Skin: Fair
Handedness: Left.
Posture: Upright and Relaxed stance.

Personality Profile:
General Health: Excellent
Accent: Redholme
Profession: Regional Operative of Decus
Languages: -Redacted-



Age 0-13: Born to a homeless street dweller, the woman at least had the common sense to give the baby to the church to have a better life than she could afford it. This baby was to be named Joan. Raised by a church in Redholme till the tender age 8, where she was then told that in order to remain living she act the convent she would have to pick a craft. From there she chose to go the path of heaven called. Learning and speaking the divine language. Though as she grew holder and hit puberty she began to have problems concentrating and maintain the heavenly powers.

Age 14-22: The church in Redholme kept an eye on Joan from the moment she had displayed such ability, merely waiting for the right time to bring her purpose to that of the church. At age 14 they took just that moment. Requesting that Joan be sent to Angelspire for formal training and indoctrination into the faith militant. Joan Studied the words of heaven eight hours a day and another 4hrs was spent doing martial katas to focus the mind. She soon regained her focus over her craft and continued her path of virtuous training within the confines of Angelspire for eight long years.

Age 22-26: After the many years of training had been completed at Angelspire, Joan was sent back to Redholme. Where she became a traveling set of eyes and ears for the church in various regions. Keeping them apprised of the happenings of areas, and solving any minor issues that might need to be smoothed over in the process. On her 25th name day, the church granted her a surname as a testament to her raising and vigilance to the church. The Surname was Verani. With the status of now being a great regional operative, The church used Joan to great effect in some of the more forward regions of that provinces. Making sure people got out of areas alive and that order was maintained in the region. It was with that thought that with the flurry of news with troublesome words coming in from Fort Presidium, the church decided to send Joan Verani to the region, to get a true scope of things and to make sure everything is maintained.

Traits: Proud,Respectful,Kind

Re: Legacy of Sister Joan

Posted: September 29th, 2018, 4:37 pm
by Mogrand