Evasion (Parrying) Bug on Increase

For issues concerning melee or ranged combat (non-magic).
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Posts: 58
Character: Koss Brynd, Lugh Arawn, Lans Tan'tare (dead)

Evasion (Parrying) Bug on Increase

Post by Lans » May 5th, 2021, 7:22 pm

The exact wording of the skill is that, "Increases parrying by 1% for every point in parrying above 50% up to a maximum increase of 50% to your Parry chance for 8 seconds."

Much as in the past Evasion was instead multiplying the chance by that number; it now instead seems to be "setting" the bonus to said number; tests were done to verify and check this, and it seems probable given my 32% normal parry chance (Shield) went to 51.95% after other bonuses and my 2H Sword chance with evasion went from 18.15% or so to roughly 27.95% (After outside bonuses like dex, str, what have you); meaning the present format of Evasion seems to be "Setting the Parry chance to x% chance (50 or 25 respectively) base instead of adding that much to the potential parry chance.

P.S - Much love and thanks to staff for [combatmessages, this is one of the most baller features for helping look for anything anomalous I have come across in my many years of playing RP enforced servers -- thank you guys so much.

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