False Gem Messages

Resolved, closed or solved reported bugs.
Posts: 165
Character: Elsea Hunter

False Gem Messages

Post by Meowakin » May 11th, 2021, 2:24 pm

Now that I'm confident I have a solid grasp of how the Geology resources work now, I figured I'd create a proper bug report on the forum.

I've confirmed others have noticed areas that report gem messages without ever yielding gems, and I have at least two (possibly three) general areas I know about that report gem system messages when mining the stone walls despite never yielding any gems. (locations available on request, but prospecting data is valuable!)

On the other hand, I've come across areas that will yield a gem from every stone cave wall, and at about the proper rate (30%) from heavy stone mined in the area. I know of two locations like that now.

I will continue prospecting, but I'm pretty much done tracking how many messages I get. As a note, my sample size on 'no gems' despite the message displaying while not yielding any gems is >50 messages now in areas with no yield.

Edit: But other than driving me insane, I'm LOVING mining on here! Dangerously addictive.
