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Legacy of Jane Tyler

Posted: June 3rd, 2021, 1:53 am
by Culexicle
Head looking left - to the right - back to the the crowds around bodies...
Jane peered about the fog of war for allies but ready for another charge. Then came the unsettling settle. Women and men began to reorganize and gather the dead. Groups formed back as they do between factions and those who stood aside. Figured slipped back into their hiding places, afar behind trees, in the bush.
Her teeth would chitter from time to time, violent waves of adrenaline reminding her that this was real - this was oh-so-real. Nothing became more 'real' than the moment she saw Viola come outside and dash not but a foot away from a smoldering corpse.

"Khalkeus!" She seemed to search the crowd...Maybe she expected him injured or surrendered among the few others left alive.

Jane's face turn beat red. She had to remove the helm so the panicked woman wouldn't have to hear some foreign, metal-clad, hollow voice talk to her, "Viola... Get away, don't look at it.."

She saw her continue to search and she looked down, asking the question Jane didn't want to answer.
"That's him... That is his burned corpse...Tha-"

Oh Decus - the sound of Viola's pained cries. What unimaginable fear, consideration, contemplation that must've went through her poor head. No amount of 'just-feelings' could ever compensate for her hurt. Even in the moment she tried to reach for the weeping woman, she couldn't push herself to actually grasp her...

Jane's crimson armor fit her well. What would she have grasped Viola with? Metal hands? Half-dried, bloodies fingertips and leather fittings?
Would she have pulled her into a comforting embrace against gore-covered platemail?
No... No, there is nothing to be done or said in the moments that would justify or comfort this grief.

As she looked about to the others telling some injured fellow to put away his dagger and relax, as they wanted nothing to do with him, Jane eyed the charred thing that was once her Master.
"..And I think of you as a daughter..." Ran through her head.
Jane's face made a smirking twist as she battled between letting out a scream or just puking from knots and rushing adrenaline in her stomach.

"10 means 3..." "10 means 3..."

Re: Legacy of Jane Tyler

Posted: June 12th, 2021, 8:44 am
by Culexicle
Yult accents are a hard thing to shed. Truly, while I may never sound like my old Master; a lord of words... I don't regret the comfort it sometimes brings.

And going back...

We've flooded the Province like cabbage beetles! All of us are fresh-faced explorers to this area it seems! There are only a few who recognize merely more than stories of these locations - I enjoy this feeling. Me and Lumi have spent the past days finding anything and everything we can get into.
She's so smart... Lumi left her mother's place with a skill already in her pocket. She could tailor things I'd wear when others wouldn't. I think it's partially because I spent so much time free-running around the hillsides in between chopping trees when I were younger. I may be a loon but a short skirt and blouse is all I require - though I know I shouldn't judge those who believe their fashion is more important. Lumi gets me tickled because she's from the colder places where they wear bulk covers. Five stones of wool and animal hide shuffle around our room at night.. Lumi's wears somehow match her.

I've no want to make such things as clothing but rather something for battle and hunt. All the festivals and fairs I'd attended back home showed off this unreliable and powerful thing called 'firearms' and gunpowder. That was what I wanted to make! Pack my ears full of cotton and let me use this!

The most wonderful thing happened recently. I found a smart man - an engineer. Seems like he is middle-aged and reminds me of a salesman on the Yultac trade routes I spent my childhood about. The man's voice can go from 'instructing an entire room of students to standing before a wagon with his fix-anything potions'.
Once he found out I had a want to become an Engineer and we shared a passion for these firearms, he allowed me to help him construct one with him. The shaft, resin, and fine mechanics took us about half an hour to place all together but it was so worth it.
His invitation to join and work under great minds was a opportunity couldn't turn down. Who would pass up such an deal? I'm an inexperienced youth and sometimes foolish - though, smart enough to admit it. I'm gonna do it.

Re: Legacy of Jane Tyler

Posted: June 13th, 2021, 3:05 pm
by Culexicle
Watching the man that smelled of the drink shuffle his way to such a horrible scene, I couldn't help but feel the surreal impact of the moment. He woke to bloodshed, fire, and startle. He looked terrible... I was so glad his eyes didn't find mine.

going back...

I've worked hours and hours within and out the mines, hauling stone after stone. I'm a simple person - I know my worth. I'm a human packhorse; and that's okay. We're working towards something I'm sure that will be great.
If there's going to be someone that figures out how to 'fix' what's going on, how to improve people's lives, it'll be my Master. He has profit on his noggin. Why shouldn't he? You cannot work tirelessly for free.

Every trip from the mines, crossing a river, storing more stone that Master Galy shapes and prepares for me, I know we're building something great that'll be without compare. The hundreds of trees I've chopped? They'll one day be carved and placed together to make spectacular things!

I can't help but watch the man, Galy... He works and works and seems so inside himself. He's old. Mayhaps not in age or skin but his look. He isn't like some of us. He's not hiding much of anything. He takes pride in his work and has a way about him that lets you know that they can be trusted. If he told me the river started flowing the other way, I'd say "How are the fish reactin'"?

They've not named the town they are building yet, but they are forming a charter for laws. They say we'll have a vote in this, as well! I'll have to defer back to the smarter ones, though. I would rather be honest with myself and admit where I lack in quality. I've not learned a single thing about Engineering and making these firearms, but I know I will. In time.