Links instead of Auras?

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Posts: 38
Character: A concealed figure

Links instead of Auras?

Post by AConcealedFigure » June 10th, 2021, 12:39 pm

Ok so obv I've got no idea what all is going on around the balance. Just trying to throw things out there in the hopes something sticks and to try to keep my sole hunting spell still viable. So, instead of a perimeter aura, have the spell be targeted, produces a link between you and target. Gets rid of accidental targeting, stealth deterrent and some other problems I'm not even aware of. Breaks if you lose LOS, if they get too far away, etc. Up to only a certain number of links depending on int lvl or something 1/25 or 1/30, Just a thought to toss in with all the whatever else going on.

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