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Legacy of a Thaumaturge: Undisclosed

Posted: June 29th, 2021, 2:06 pm
by Lilith
A Tentative Touch

It felt like a fever had taken over her. She turned another dusty page with as much care as her gently shaking hands would permit. Her forehead was glistening in the candlelight with cold sweat even though the stone-carved room was devoid of warmth. The pages she read had deteriorated to an almost illegible condition by the poor storaging.


What madness was driving her to do this, she couldn't tell, but the excitement of peering into something entirely forbidden was true and there. She dipped the quill in ink and continued writing her notes. Perhaps the desperation borne of the untimely death of her mentor and benefactor was what had taken her off-the-hinges and into delving these unholy texts.

Something started to restlessly boil inside her as she reached the final page; it was still in a readable condition. Her hand moved in a fluent haste as she finished transcribing the mantra. It was the very first time she had managed to complete a work like this and for once she felt confident that she wasn't missing any crucial parts, and oh-so impatiently for the very first time in naught but a whisper she uttered the words of power written therein.

Her heart skipped a beat as the lone candle flame flickered, caressed by an unnatural breeze coming from the closed corridors. The shadows cast by piles of books and rusty candelabra danced on the walls making the room look alive for a moment, but soon the undulation became more sinuous, shifting from erratic flickering into graceful waves, breaking free of their maker's form and merging together. She squinted her eyes to make out what she was witnessing.

Her chest was clasped by a creeping terror as she peered past the candle's golden light at the emerging form, like a mind racing to understand what it sees when one wakes up in the middle of the night staring at the moonlight-cast umbral figures in the room, while a fading dream shapes them into strangers and more. The shadows coalesced and something akin to a warped face took form: her body reacted on it's own accord with a shriek and a sudden recoil, causing her to fall off her chair. With the last glance she saw the shadowy thing consume the candle's wick. Then the darkness fell.