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The price of raffle recipes

Posted: July 13th, 2021, 5:09 pm
by Mektor

The price of raffle recipes feel way too high. Unless there are plans to massively increase money making, I can't imagine anyone ever using it. The current prices are :

25 silver for an uncommon recipes
50 silver for a rare recipe
100 silver for an epic recipe

However, none of those are ever worth anywhere near that much, and I'm talking about the recipes that are already identified. I have yet to see uncommon recipes selling for more than 5 silver, rare ones for more than 10, and even epic for more than 25 (and that's being very optimistic).

Of course the point is not to make profit from it, but I feel like the gap between potential worth and cost should not be that wide.

Overall it feels like they should be worth half of what they currently cost. At 50s for an epic recipe, it would be more interesting to gamble, as there is at least a fair chance one could return something roughly worth that, with still an almost guaranteed chance of losing money in the end.

Re: The price of raffle recipes

Posted: July 13th, 2021, 5:41 pm
by Archin
Thanks Mek - I agree. We'll be reviewing the prices of Bright Lantern Vendors to make things a little more enticing. Thanks for your feedback.