The Satrapy

Forum used for submitting new applications for Factions on Requiem.

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Character: Requiescat In Pace

The Satrapy

Post by Kent » August 5th, 2021, 4:57 pm

Basics & Logistics

1. Have you read all of the prerequisites and considerations and do you agree to abide by them?


2. What is the name of your intended Faction?

The First Coast Satrapy [FCS]

3. What is the expected or intended size of the Faction in terms of player characters?

8 currently, up to cap RP providing.

4. What is the expected or intended size of the Faction in terms of its’ lore concept, and/or including NPCs?

100 - 400

5. Roleplaying wise, how influential will the Faction strive to be? Will it tend to stick to itself and not make waves, or will it try and become a household name? How will the Faction accomplish this level (or lack thereof) of influence and reputation?

The faction will strive to exert an intense degree of pressure on individuals and faction, both player and NPC to influence politics to their advantage. The faction does not wish for celebrity status but will likely not be gun-shy about making infamous actions if it serves their goals.

The faction will accomplish this through various means of public relations, usury, intimidation, bribery, and other methods as they become relevant and profitable to them as RP plays out during the closing days of the prelude and Season One.

6. Does the Faction have any unique colors, sigils, banners, or signage that uniquely identifies it? What is the significance of it?

Purple, with gold accents. The symbol most commonly associated with the faction is a chalice or goblet with a flame rising from it, generally encircled.

Goals & Future

1. What purpose, direction or goal does the Faction have in the world at large?

An important facet of the faction is the class/caste struggle in the empire. The faction is composed of, and aligned with the underclass of the Republic, specifically Civilians. The faction originated as a mutual-aid society for Civilians, particularly refugees from the ongoing torment crisis. The faction looks to improve the health, wealth, and security of the lower strata.

2. What purpose, direction or goal does the Faction have within the quarantined First Province in particular?

The founding members of the faction were a part of a crew from the Redholme Satrapy who, seeing that their youth and the crowded nature of Redholme as restrictive of their advancement prospects, have struck out to the fertile ground First Province to make their own fortune and rise in power and respect in the criminal underworld of the eastern baronies.

3. Role-playing wise, what would the Faction seek to accomplish within the next six to twelve months? What are their immediate and long-term goals?

Immediate: Make connections & important friendships in the First Province. Set up a base of operations within the walls of Fort Praesidium, and recruit fresh blood.

Long-Term Goals: Foster, create, and control a black market for certain illicit goods in the First Province in a way that promotes and fosters roleplay.

4. Is the Faction famous or infamous for anything in particular? Will it strive to be famous or infamous for anything in the near future?

Those knowledgable with the criminal underworld in the eastern baronies would more than likely be familiar with the Satrapy, a council of crimebosses from the various gangs which have formed from the diaspora from the Torment Crisis. The Satrapy functions to maintain order and avoid destructive street wars between competing gangs.

In the overcrowded, famine-ridden metropolises of the eastern seaboard of the Republic the Satrapy is sometimes spoken of in hushed yet admiring tone by the repressed members of the Civilian caste and the urban underclass in general. Though publicly known as a criminal organization, their origins as a mutual aid-society and the persistent culture amongst the top bosses of performing public works and acts of charity in the slums and ghettoes of the Eastern Baronies has them held in a generally high regard amongst the poor and destitute,

They are often reviled by the blooded aristocracy and frequently come into conflict with prelacy parishes both in the political realm and in the streets.

Concept & Community

1. Please provide the Discord handle of the intended Player Leader of this Faction that will serve to liaison with the Staff in the future:

Kent #2622

2. Please provide a summary as to the out-of-character purpose of the Faction, what sort of role you feel it will fill in-game (trading guild, PVP, PVM, etc.), and what sort of player character you intend to attract and/or support with the Faction in general.

This faction help fulfill the political power vacuum amongst player factions in the first province, with a focus on organizing and structuring criminal activity in the first province. Minorities, civilians, and any others who find themselves outside the protective apparatus of the Republic will find succor through this faction.


1. If you have anything additional you would like to publicly share with us, to include in-character write ups, descriptions, organization structures or even custom logos and sigils, please provide them here:

Nothing I can share publicly.

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 675
Character: Swaglord420

Re: The Satrapy

Post by Coty » January 11th, 2022, 10:32 pm


Great concept! Happy to see you back.

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