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[palmitem and keyrings

Posted: August 10th, 2021, 4:34 am
by Cons
Please make it so anyone (with the ability ofc) can [palmitem a keyring and use it while "hidden". I believe it is realistic enough and a QoL improvement.

Re: [palmitem and keyrings

Posted: August 10th, 2021, 11:01 am
by Azareil
I know they disabled being able to use the keyring when it is keistered... Likely due to me RPing that Gryhun would press his backside against a lock and *click* the magic happens.

My understanding is it was changed to give thieves a chance to steal it when you have to unpalm or keister the keyring.

Being able to actually keister or palmitem a keyring again, now that's the QoL improvement I'm looking for!