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Let's Talk: Dye Tubs

Posted: September 1st, 2021, 7:59 pm
by Glimmer
Every now and again I get the will power to look into making dye tubs. I will fully admit that this is something I've put off simply because I do not want to do it! It is an incredibly complicated undertaking.

It consists of having to make the paint, in order to make the pigment, which is an ingredient to create the specific color dye tub. There are 7 colors so both cloth and leather require 7 separate tubs. 14 tubs total if you want every color for both materials. Okay, other than being super tedious I can almost overlook that.

However, I was under the impression (bad, bad me) that once you accomplished all of that, the only resource you'd have to replace on a regular basis was the dyes which have limited uses. Today I learned that the tubs ALSO have uses. Meaning you have to eventually go through that entire process to create new tubs when those uses run out. The tub does not also self-destroy like others tools do when you've used them up.

Is there any way we could possibly combine the 7 tubs into maybe 2 per material, a neutral tub and a colorful tub, which would be 4 tubs total for both cloth and leather. Maybe make all of the pigments required to make dyes themselves to keep the complexity? I feel like that would be okay with having to deal with two separate "uses" to keep an eye out for. Or maybe remove the uses from the tubs themselves so once created you only have to worry about replacing the dyes regularly?

Just, pretty please some sort of QoL change for this.

Re: Let's Talk: Dye Tubs

Posted: September 1st, 2021, 8:10 pm
by AsterHargreaves
For the love of everything holy, yes please. There are some beautiful dyes from the dye tubs, but it is so difficult to process and make that I'm sure most players haven't seen a regular dye tub. Most of us just wait until we have legacy points and dye our things that way. This is for sure one of those things that is overly complicated to a hindering extent that prevents players from making them and having them accessible to other players.

Re: Let's Talk: Dye Tubs

Posted: September 1st, 2021, 9:59 pm
by Azareil
This is a QoL change that many tailors are dyeing to see. I fully support it.

Re: Let's Talk: Dye Tubs

Posted: September 2nd, 2021, 12:16 pm
by Carpenter
Can confirm. I almost never use dye tubs. Legacy points are more affordable.

Re: Let's Talk: Dye Tubs

Posted: September 7th, 2021, 10:16 am
by Thes
Personally, I would think with these changes dye tubs should require a perk through tailoring, or perhaps a perk to expand color options for tailors. Going through the chain of services to acquire a dye tub or investing in the skills to be able to make them yourself is one of the few ways to distinguish yourself in what is an over saturated market of items that hardly ever take durability loss.

Without being a good carpenter by any means it's pretty common to have 50+ uses on a dye tub, with uses only being consumed if an item is actually dyed. This should be plenty of uses for a non-tailor, even with dyeing services and bags I have gone through maybe 10 dye tubs. The only real bottleneck to the process is acquisition of apples, which has been a lot easier due to the recent lull in player activity.

For what it’s worth, I’ve had maybe one or two individuals reach out for dye services despite offering it free of charge for purchased items. Then I believe only a post or two for anyone actually asking for dye tubs for purchase. Make friends with your tailors! I'm sure they would love to help you make a new outfit or help adjust colors to stay fashionable.

I understand this is asking for a QoL, but to me there are people willing to put these things together as is and I'd be curious as to what would have you exhausting dye tubs at a frequency that this is really that impactful.