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Blacksmith Needed!

Posted: November 10th, 2021, 7:55 pm
by Liquid
*Flyers placed in Bright Lantern and The Fort*

I am once again seeking a blacksmith for the following items, preferably of the highest quality.

Infantry Spear made of Iron
Offhand Sword made of Iron
Stiletto made of Iron

My name is Luka, I am currently living within the Merchants Quarter near the Fort. I can be reached easily by my vendor out front of my home.

Luka Stroud - Alchemist

Re: Blacksmith Needed!

Posted: December 5th, 2021, 6:13 pm
by Ashford
A letter is left with your merchant

"Ashford Reed discovered your order posted on the Flyer and has fulfilled it. Please come by KMA's Arms and Arsenal tent just South of the Fort's gates. Ask for Chuck at the stall and he'll square you away. Pleasure having the business"

Re: Blacksmith Needed!

Posted: December 14th, 2021, 12:27 pm
by Liquid
*Posts another flyer*

Good Evening, Afternoon or Morning Blacksmith(s)

I have a need for two mastercrafted weapons - time for delivery is not important at all.

I am requesting two identical Spikes, of the highest durability. Preferable to be iron made.

Luka, The Alchemist - Potion Maker