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Log: Survey of the Forward 331st Apothecary Camp

Posted: October 8th, 2022, 10:10 pm
by Lexi
The morning of the 8th of Goldleaf dawned bright, illuminating the light frost the night before had brought across the Fort. Outside the East Gate members of the de Ravin Parish and First Torian gathered, waiting for others to join them as they set out for the 331st Apothecary Corps medical camp. It had been nearly a year since the field hospital had been decimated and with the recent attack by the Forlorn Hope weaponizing the Torment, it was imperative that a quarantine zone be set up.

The camp was an ideal location. Far enough from Fort Praesidium that in the case of an outbreak the Afflicted would be a safe distance from the major population and was close enough to a well-traveled road to make it convenient for those who would be spending their time there. The Foundry horse paths made it even easier though on this day they would be making the trek on foot.


As the sun fully rose, more than a dozen people stood together prepared to make the journey northeast. With Kaine leading the way, those skilled at arms took up positions at the fore and flank of the party, protecting them from the various dangers they passed on the way. Despite the solemn nature of their task, the trip there had a lighthearted air, punctuated with jokes and a bit of a song by the Legatus. As they approached the burnt husk the mood turned somber and for a time they simply took it in.


“What happened here?” Maeby asked as they began to pass through the charred and broken gate.

“Burned it all,” Kyber answered. “Voice of the People,” Lucien added, giving a name to the fiends who’d caused such pointless destruction.

“Definitely needs better walls.” Nicolien said more to herself as she made notes, taking in the disrepair of the wooden spikes.

The group made their way through the camp, noting the half-destroyed watchtowers and burnt tents that once acted as a clinic and operating space. Very little, if anything, was salvageable and if they wanted to rebuild it properly, tents and wooden walls would not suffice.

In the very back of the camp, walled off from the rest, was the are that had been used for quarantine during the plague of years past and would serve again if necessary. Instead of wooden walls, stone would be needed and sturdy housing complete with cells at the suggestion of Doctor Drusilla.

As they gathered again at the front of the camp, talk turned to logistics. How many resources would be needed? What buildings and facilities were essential? Who would staff and run it? Pay for it? Keep it stocked?


Lucien was adamant that the Province as a whole could pull together to see all of it done, just as the factions had once joined together to protect the refugee camp. The Parish would offer to pay doctors if need be and write to Redholme requesting the Apothecary Corps send people.

In the end, they agreed that it was a just and necessary cause and aid would be given if needed. At the suggestion of one of the group, Nicolien collected a soil sample to bring back to the Fort for testing. If the land proved already stricken, their efforts would be for naught. With the suggestion that they all head to the Meddler’s Risk for a bite and a drink, they dispersed, each going their own way and plans for the re-establishment of a quarantine camp taking root.


A Girl and Her Horse Discuss the Future

Posted: October 9th, 2022, 3:52 pm
by Lexi

30th of Goldleaf, 1347 - Clearing the Path

Posted: October 30th, 2022, 1:09 am
by Lexi
Once more the members of the de Ravin Parish, along with the Legatus, and other volunteers gathered outside the East Bridge. The morning of the 30th of Goldleaf was beautiful and mild, perfect weather for the gruesome task that laid ahead of them.It had been decided that in order to make the path to the Medical Camp safer, the cannibals that were known to lurk in the forests would need to be pushed back. It was not a task they took lightly but a necessary one regardless.


Along the way others joined the group as they made their way north. It was not long before the onslaught began. Wave after wave of crazed cannibals attacked from all sides but the group was prepared and held their ground. They pushed forward, breaking the lines that formed, unfaltering in their conviction. They left a trail of bodies and blood soaked earth as they made their way to the camp.


They were met by one last attack at the gates of the camp but as their fellows had before them, they fell to the might of the assembled warriors. Taking a few moments to rest, they discussed the future of the field hospital and the possibility of retaliation. Alexei tested the soil for Torment, declaring it at the same level as the ground around the Fort.


On the trip back to Fort Praesidium they were on high alert but no other assaults were made. The cannibal tribe had lost many people that day and it was the hope of those gathered that they would evacuate the forest or at least move further from the path of travel.

Returning to the East Gate, the question of whether they would need to make continuous expeditions to keep them pushed back was posed. Those gathered assured they would answer the call once more if the need arose.


Posted: November 2nd, 2022, 9:21 am
by Lexi
It had taken a few hours but the Medical Camp was cleared of ruin and debris and was restored to working order. It had not been remodeled or reinforced but it was decided that would be a project for another day. For now, at least, they had a place should the need arise.

A dozen or more people arrived from the de Ravin Parish and beyond and they began the cleanup with a prayer from Graelynn de Ravin. Each with a shovel or other tool in hand, they set to work, clearing debris, charred and rotted wood, and a surprising amount of animal carcases from the grounds. All that was undesirable was burnt.

The people broke into groups, working in tandem in separate parts of the camp. Some chopped down trees and dug up plants that had began to take over the space in the time since it’s ruins, others gathered rubbish and burnt and spoiled cloth. Slowly the camp that once was began to emerge.

When everything they felt could be done had been finished, Graelynn suggested that Rikard dedicate the land in the name and of Decus and so the preacher gave a stirring invocation, banishing all that was evil or ill from the place and claiming it in the name of the One True God.

With that done, refreshments were offered and slowly the group drifted off onto their own ways, content in the knowledge that they had done something worthwhile for their community and the Province at large.