A letter to Barnabas Heim

An in-character forum dedicated to the buying, selling and trading of goods and services of all kind within Absolution.
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Posts: 8
Character: Abrielle Nightengale

A letter to Barnabas Heim

Post by bunny2 » November 26th, 2022, 6:06 pm

*a letter is written in sharp, exquizite lines of thin charcoal, an artists' hand is represented in the elegant script*

Dear Barnabas Heim,

My name is Abrielle, I am in search of your assistance. I am told you are a worthy engineer and might be able to help me. I am in need of making a copy of a key and aquiring an estimate for renivations on my claim. I am looking to eventually put of a fence, make a chicken coop and a farm when I have enough room. This will be a step by step process as I can gather resources and afford the materials and labor. Thank you so much for your consideration. A meeting would be appreciated to achieve these goals.

Please get in touch when you can, thank you.

Abrielle Nightingale

(ooc: please get in touch with me on discord to arrange a meeting: discord user name: bunny#1701 a.k.a abrielle[bunny] )

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