Grinding, Smelting, or Otherwise Dismantling Jewelry

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Posts: 112
Character: Nicolien de Ravin

Grinding, Smelting, or Otherwise Dismantling Jewelry

Post by Lexi » December 13th, 2022, 9:01 am

I did a quick search and did not find a post about this so forgive me if it has been discussed.

Currently it does not seem like jewelry can be dismantled, smelted, or ground up to get any of the materials back. Would it be possible to implement this so we could have a chance of recovering a fraction of the materials?


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Posts: 112
Character: Nicolien de Ravin

Re: Grinding, Smelting, or Otherwise Dismantling Jewelry

Post by Lexi » February 11th, 2023, 1:57 pm

I know this would be a really low request but I am bumping it because I cry a little every time I just have to throw a billion pieces of jewelry away.

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