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Legacy of Eveleth Dubois

Posted: December 17th, 2022, 9:14 am
by Lexi

Eveleth Dubois

“No life appears rewarding if you think about it too much.”
- Violet Crawlery

[[ Most spoilers redacted, but minor ones below - read at your own risk. DO NOT METAGAME! ]]



Full Name: Eveleth Marie Dubois
Birthdate: 28th of Goldleaf, 1323
Birthplace: Redholme City
Birthsign: The Moon
Age: 24
Height: 5'6
Weight: 135lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Ginger
Skin: Fair and clear
Handedness: Right, learning to be ambidextrous
Posture: Upright and proper
Hygiene: Well bathed and groomed, particular attention paid to her hair
Scent: Soap and occasionally a light floral perfume

Physical Description:

Eveleth is hard to miss in a crowd. Standing at a slightly above average height for a woman from the Eastern Baronies and and crowned with long ginger hair and green eyes, she is striking to say the least. She carries herself with the bearing of one above her station, with her head held high and an ever alert gaze. Full lips soften her features and she bares a striking resemblance to her mistress, Lady Nicolien de Ravin.
General Health: Good
Profession: Lady's Maid
Faction Affiliation: de Ravin Parish
Languages: Nothryian and Common
Accent: Eastern Baronies generic
Roleplay Tools: TBD

Hobbies: TBD
Habits: TBD

Personality Description:

To most, she seems subdued and serious as this is the appearance she gives when working. In her private time she is actually quite outgoing and enjoys a good prank or joke; as long as it isn't at her expense. Devout in her faith, she is often seen at the chapel for sermons. She understands that loyalty is its own currency and is not one to engage in idle gossip, though is not above reporting anything she hears.


Raised in Redholme City, to a family in the employ of a local Parish, Eveleth was groomed from the time she was able to talk to serve. Though formal education was not so much of a concern, she was taught the niceties of polite society, how to emulate their speech and behaviour and most importantly how to serve without being seen or heard.

When she was ten years old she was taken into the nursery of one of the daughters of the family as a companion and by the time she was fifteen she was serving as one of the girl's maids. While not particularly displeased with her life, she yearned for more and found it in a young valet.

After the affair was discovered, it was decided that she was not fit to serve the family and was sent away. With gossip as it was amongst servants in Redholme, she was unable to find work in any of the other Preclacy houses. With few marketable skills and little to her name, she set out for the First Province to make a new beginning for herself.

Strengths: Loyal, Intelligent, Discreet
Weaknesses: Overly Passionate, Petty, Given to Jealousy

Governing Virtue: Honesty
Governing Throne: Covetous

Re: Legacy of Eveleth Dubois

Posted: December 17th, 2022, 9:47 am
by Lexi
Somehow Eveleth had managed to charm her way into the First Province. With her upbringing it was no hard feat to pretend to be someone more important than she was and with the majority of her coin she had bought passably counterfeit papers claiming she was the cousin of someone with an office in Fort Praesidium. She’d held her breath the entire time the Officiant read over her documents, only letting it out with a smile once he’d applied the appropriate stamp.

Once inside the Province, however, things were no better than they had been in Redholme. There seemed to be only one Parish operating the only positions they’d been hiring for were guards and laborers. With her coin quickly diminishing and other prospects seeming even less attractive, she decided to apply as a laborer. If nothing else, she’d learn some new skills and earn enough to keep her belly full. And she knew the power of a well placed smile or pout.

“You, what’s yer name?” a man wearing spectacles and a dark red shirt asked as she lined up with the others.

“Eveleth, sir. Eveleth Dubois.” She offered a curtsy as she felt his gaze assessing her.

“And where do yeh hail from?”

It seemed an odd question that none of the others had been asked so far.

“Redholme City, sir. Only just arrived about a week ago.”

He nodded, making a few notes on a piece of parchment before motioning her to follow him without any explanation. Her body tensed with paranoia as she felt other sets of eyes on her as she followed him from the line of applicants and into the Fort proper.

Pausing to knock at a door, a woman with red hair nearly the same shade and length of her own and emerald green eyes answered. Now that a few days had passed, she assumed that was why she had been singled out. She struck an uncanny resemblance to Lady Nicolien de Ravin. So much so that from a distance, or with the right attire, they could not be told apart. She wondered why that might be significant but tried not to dwell on it too much. The Prelacy was given to eccentricities that others could not afford.

The interview had been brief. Her new mistress seemed impressed with her skills and interested in helping her improve upon them. Eveleth, for her part, was just happy not to be forced to toil in the fields or worse, a mine. Serving the Perlacy was what she was good at and she would make certain that this second chance was not squandered.

With new clothes and quarters, and a full belly, she laid down that night to think about where fate had taken her. Perhaps Decus had a plan for her after all.