Testing Finesse... all kind of wrong...

For issues concerning melee or ranged combat (non-magic).
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Posts: 39
Character: Maddox Thorne

Testing Finesse... all kind of wrong...

Post by Dach » December 30th, 2022, 7:45 pm

First the big one... the bonus for not wearing armor doesn't register on lots of clothing pieces...

Those I tested that the bonus work: Ring, Bracelet, Earring, Knotted Belt, Short Robe, Fur boots, Obi.

Those that the bonus didn't work: Cloth gloves, Simple Scarf, Simple Harness, Gilded cowl, Body Sash.

Also the skill description is either wrong/misleading/out of date whatever...

my finesse is at 80.7 so my "dodge chance" should be 80.7/500 = 0.1614

but as you can see on the image joined is this post my "dodge chance" is 0.1864.

It seem the game always start you with 1 free tumbling charge which add 0.025 (0.1614+0.025=0.1864)

Now the "dodge chance penalty for dex" which read in game:

dodge chance = dodge chance X (20+DEXTERITY)/100

The game log give me a dodge % bonus >100 dexterity (Don't know if that line is supposed to be the dodge chance penalty for DEX but it's obviously not using that formula.

the formula in the skill should be in the screenshot: 0.1864 X (20+124) / 100 = 0.2684

but the game just give me 0.024 for being 24 above 100 on DEX. (nothing about this in the skill description.)

Then the game show a log about penalty for dodging more than 1 target attacking you. (which isn't anywhere in the skill description either.) I got 2 zombie attacking me in that screenshot.

But the game seem to ignore it in the screenshot anyway....
finesse test.png
finesse test.png (27.45 KiB) Viewed 2941 times

Posts: 39
Character: Maddox Thorne

Re: Testing Finesse... all kind of wrong...

Post by Dach » December 30th, 2022, 8:09 pm

quick update... when 3 target attack you it get to -0.05 then DOES apply.

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Posts: 68
Character: Fiat Tenebrae

Re: Testing Finesse... all kind of wrong...

Post by Atreyo » March 28th, 2023, 6:09 pm

Bump: unarmored Dodge remains without the described bonus on combat messages. Fighting with loose smock, long skirt, necklace and sandals won't offer the theoretical due 10%.

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