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Dolor Powerword currently has no use

Posted: January 18th, 2023, 8:35 am
by Atreyo
I've waited until I completed all powerwords before posting, and, unless Dolor is required to cast Legendary/Artifact spells, none of the ones we can research make use of it. When you try to research a new spell using Dolor as the starting point, a system message warns that "more powerwords are needed before you can research a spell with it" (even though my char has them all).

Re: Dolor Powerword currently has no use

Posted: January 18th, 2023, 6:29 pm
by Atreyo
Another player has contacted me to guarantee spells containing the Dolor powerword still exist after the spells were revised, which narrows down this bug a little: so far, it seems I simply can't research spells centered on that powerword but they do exist.

Now I wonder if somehow my char's bugged and that limits the amount of spells they can see through research? I've yet to craft a recipe with Dolor or see one around for sale, for that matter - which has led to the erroneous assumption that the powerword was no longer used after the system was tinkered with.

EDIT: For additional info, I tried selecting every reagent to test if researching with them was possible and all of the others worked fine (even if I didn't have them in the research kit). So whatever this is, it's really specific to Dolor in my case.