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Application: Hipolit

Posted: January 26th, 2023, 6:10 pm
by nebula
Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played:
Yes, I do.

Briefly summarize your prior role-playing experience in a sentence or two:
I’ve been enjoying various RP games, UO included, for over 8 years now.

Why do you wish to play on Requiem and what do you expect from the shard?

The story and the lore are interesting and rich; thus, I should explore them more, but this time I would like to do it from a different perspective.

What will your character’s name be?:

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight
and any notable features:

There is something wild about this man. He has a large head, firmly placed on a thick neck, and broad shoulders. The man seems tall, and his body appears covered in hair - when shirtless, he might remind of a bear or a wild boar. His face was almost hidden by the bushy mane of his unruly, tangled beard, but you could still make out his eyes, glinting like two amber-coloured coins. With the sun above, shadows mark the depressions beneath his cheekbones.
Dirt seems ever placed into many creases and wrinkles of his damaged by wind and harsh life skin, which upon touch, has the texture of the old paper.
His posture seems proud, and his amber-coloured eyes scan the surroundings in Ave and curiosity. When angered, his gaze burns with fire, and his mouth becomes frothed with fury.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:
Tristian wishes to learn about the Republic and Decus, searching for the evidence that the higher powers exist – so he travelled to the hornet’s nest – full of zealots and fanatics who, as he believes, would gladly direct a curious mind towards the path of knowledge.

Briefly provide a pertinent detail or notable quality of your character’s history (this does not have to
be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret):

Tristian, born under the stars around the year 1320 in the remote tribal village of Murandai, has always seen the world through different lenses than other members of Xartai clan. Tristian, he, who grew up experiencing the cold humidity of the Amawrak rainforest’s night upon his body, was considered by his peers to be as unpredictable in his thinking as the infamous Tempest Ocean. Tristian’s mind, like the everlasting and raging storms and hurricanes, knew no rest. At first, people curiously whispered when Tristian dug the soft and wet earth for weeks, searching for the burrowed Giant Serpent, who shakes the mountains and breaks trees. Then, people screamed in fear when Tristian welcomed Republican merchants, allowing them to change the ways of Xartai people. This led to a great split among the elders, as some argued that trading with the Republic could eliminate any potential famine and lift the Xartai clan out of poverty, while others thought otherwise, seeing the Republic as invaders who brought the sickness, cursing every living being, naming them as the Disturbers of sacred balance. Thus, those stuck in their old ways left, disappearing into the depths of the Amawrak forest. So, the Xartani clan prospered under the influence of Republican science and traditions. Tristian, amazed by the new, blinded by the republican lore, found his proof that the higher powers might exist. For him, the Republic was not a mere shadow of their former glory but the Sun itself. The very Sun that casts the shadow on those who do not see. The very Sun that is capable of bringing greatness to those who allow themselves to embrace its warmth. So, when the skies cried, and the earth trembled - once the plague started to creep into the Xartai clan more and more, as the trade between the tribal people and the Republican outlander grew. Yet, Tristian did not see this misfortune as the reason to reject the Republic. Tristian, he, who became blinded by the New, for he looked at the Sun for too long, found that another impulsive idea lingers in his mind, searching to escape. He needed to explore the skies, as he explored the earth before, to find the Republican’s God, Decus. So, he left, leaving the chaos behind him, oblivious to the fact that the chaos that was brought upon his clan spread like a fire, was sparked by a curious mind.

Briefly write an in-character response to the following scenario:
Tristian appeared in front of the Legionnare with a serious face, staring at the man with deep curiosity, studying him in awe.
- I greet you, follower of God. Your people have many trinkets, and I gift you one of mine – Tristian, not having any sense of fashion, was dressed up all strange, with many useless and unpractical items hanging off his belt and robes. He unclipped a spoon that was also a fork and extended his hand.
– I have ridden inside the belly of a loud snake. I know no fear.
*he pointed his large finger somewhere in the direction of the train*
- I came here from lands far beyond to learn the ways of the Republic. I will find your God. I must see more. Open my eyes as you open the gate.
Tristian’s wide chest was moving loudly up and down as he was breathing impatiently.

Re: Application: Yurac Sallqa

Posted: January 28th, 2023, 12:38 am
by Coty
Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!