Blank Recipe from Completed Spell Research

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Posts: 68
Character: Fiat Tenebrae

Blank Recipe from Completed Spell Research

Post by Atreyo » March 13th, 2023, 4:22 am

Upon completion, the research kit spawned a white blank recipe instead of the usual blue spell recipe. The research cycle used a Magus powerword for this particular research and it's the first time I've seen it happen.

Blank Recipe.png
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Posts: 68
Character: Fiat Tenebrae

Re: Blank Recipe from Completed Spell Research

Post by Atreyo » March 13th, 2023, 8:40 am

I got the same result (a white blank recipe) twice in a row now. Maybe we should stand by on spell research until Rex can take a look at recent changes of the researching code.

EDIT: This is only a conjecture, but maybe the system's selecting the last missing spell with Magus (or one of the few remaining ones) and when the research is done, there's nothing to put into the scroll because the spell was removed at the latest revision. I don't know if that's possible (or even logical), but it makes some sense because it fell in this pitfall twice in a row.

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