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Mercantile Cooperative Association

Posted: April 28th, 2023, 1:36 pm
by Kigero
Basics & Logistics
1. Have you read all of the prerequisites and considerations and do you agree to abide by them?

2. What is the name of your intended Faction?
Mercantile Cooperative Association

3. What is the expected or intended size of the Faction in terms of player characters?

4. What is the expected or intended size of the Faction in terms of its’ lore concept, and/or including NPCs?
Bigger the better. Will need guards for controlled resources and protection from bandits who would want to rob merchants

5. Roleplaying wise, how influential will the Faction strive to be? Will it tend to stick to itself and not make waves, or will it try and become a household name? How will the Faction accomplish this level (or lack thereof) of influence and reputation?
We are looking to recruit and become the most influential trading faction on the realm

6. Does the Faction have any unique colors, sigils, banners, or signage that uniquely identifies it? What is the significance of it?
Red with blue highlights - aggressive yet passive. We will use any tactics to provide the best cost to our customers and the highest quality product.

Goals & Future

1. What purpose, direction or goal does the Faction have in the world at large?
Goal is to become the #1 spoke and used mercantile faction in the world by recruiting and delivering the highest quality crafters and goods.

2. What purpose, direction or goal does the Faction have within the quarantined First Province in particular?
Bringing high quality item access to the normal folk of the Province. No longer shall merchants in the Province be able to price gouge locals for a steep profit. To bring competitiveness into the local economy and lower prices for all.

3. Role-playing wise, what would the Faction seek to accomplish within the next six to twelve months? What are their immediate and long-term goals?
Be trading large sums of coin between people to provide the best goods. Secure proper resources to align with our goals and build relationships with local government, municipalities and all residents of the first province.

4. Is the Faction famous or infamous for anything in particular? Will it strive to be famous or infamous for anything in the near future?
Not famous yet. but known to some extent in the western province for high quality, hard to acquire goods.

Concept & Community

1. Please provide the Discord handle of the intended Player Leader of this Faction that will serve to liaison with the Staff in the future:

2. Please provide a summary as to the out-of-character purpose of the Faction, what sort of role you feel it will fill in-game (trading guild, PVP, PVM, etc.), and what sort of player character you intend to attract and/or support with the Faction in general.
Trading guild. We plan to recruit new comers and high end crafters to the faction to deliver on our promise of 'all is obtainable with coin' motto. We can also work with players to provide things immediately with a payment plan.
We will also buy things in large quantities from other vendors wanting to move things for quick coin. You need to move it, we'll buy it at a discount.


1. If you have anything additional you would like to publicly share with us, to include in-character write ups, descriptions, organization structures or even custom logos and sigils, please provide them here: