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Fort Rents

Posted: April 29th, 2023, 11:25 am
by Kent
The new apartments have higher rents, which is appropriate for the much more money-flush economy compared to 03/21, but the older ones are now comedically cheap. An inn room, for example, has similiar floorspace to newer options that cost three times as much.

Rents across the fort should be raised to be in-line with the new standard.

Re: Fort Rents

Posted: April 29th, 2023, 2:59 pm
by Archin
Agreed! We did price the new apartments with that in mind, and plan on doing an audit of the older ones now that there is competition! We want to provide nice so keep an eye out IG for that, we'll also do some sort of OOC announcement as a heads up once done.