A small letter with a tiny crimson ribbon

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Posts: 61
Character: Ashi Kirino

A small letter with a tiny crimson ribbon

Post by Cons » June 1st, 2023, 10:47 am

*a letter is delivered to the doorsteps of a newly erected building in Pyrewood*


I hope this letter finds its timely way into the hands of 'Light of the Venerated Eight' leadership. I dispatched a courier not long after our scouts in the North brought the news of the incident that occurred a night ago near the old ruins in the enclosed valley NE of Pyrewood. The excavation efforts of our associates in the valley were disrupted by one Celestine Varga, despite the area being clearly marked with the banners of the Crimson Circle. Upon further investigation, it appears that Miss Varga arrived in the Province no more than a few months ago and may not be aware of other factions and groups present in the province. I am sure yesterday's actions were an honest mistake and an inconvenience that we can put behind us. In a wish to avoid such misunderstandings and unnecessary provocations in the future, I invite you to try and resolve any problems in a civilised manner.

For any further questions, please send a courier to the Glade.

Have a nice day, and may Eight guide you.

Ashi Kirino of the Crimson Circle

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