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Legacy of Marcellus Avenicci

Posted: June 6th, 2023, 5:05 pm
by Ericson

Marcellus Avenicci

The wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows all.


Full Name:Marcellus Ferna Avenicci
Birthdate: around 1300 A.S.
Birthplace: Arkhess region
Birthsign:The Moon

Age: between 45 and 50
Height: around 5'5"
Weight:120 lbs
Eyes: dull blue
Hair: salt pepper greying
Skin: well kept
Handedness: ambidextrous
Posture: proper yet relaxed
Hygiene:keeps himself well cleaned, and shies from wearing anything with scents
Scent: does his best to remove any real smells from himself

Physical Description:
He has aged gracefully. Greying hair, and hazel blue eyes offset off a tan and well kept complexion. While neither tall or bulked, the mans shorter and thin stature make him relatively unnoticeable. One outstanding feature is Marcellus' accent (Roman/Italian) Overall his appearance is..average, neither ugly nor good looking he is like every other paper pushing man in gold or white.

General Health: Very good
Profession: Foundry Investigator
Faction Affiliation: Foundry limited capacity, advisory to others who want to hear him
Languages: Northyrian, Decusian common, Ancoran?
Accent:While his accent is no where near as thick as it once was, A Roman/italian
Roleplay Tools: Write of Authority in the name of the Foundry

Hobbies: Enjoys paintings and playing board games
Habits: tends to repeat a noise "olaola" or "ola" alot. often mistaken for him making a greeting

Personality Description: Avi is a very friendly individual who seems to have the best of intentions at all times. Except when he doesn't. He seems to be motivated by pragmatic ideals in most day to day life and choices. While rarely seen Avi has been known to be rather sharp tongued when angered


While the majority of Avenicci's life is a mystery - this has not slowed down his ambitions at all in the first province. Unlike most Avi seems disinterested in general pursuits of wealth and power as his actions seem to have no true direction to the common eye. Noted still is Avi's accent - of which he has claimed is Ancoran. Having worked along side the De Ravin Parish, and the Foundry. Avi took part in more then one mission to eliminate reported torment outbreaks in the lands around the plantations north of Fort Praesidium in the past. He has maintained a professional approach to many issues that have arisen in the Fort lately.

Strengths: Idealistic, Dedicated, and optimistic
Weaknesses: Example: Passive, Slower moving.

Governing Virtue: Humility
Governing Throne: Murder