Legacy Of Artemis T'rizz

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Posts: 13
Character: Artemis

Legacy Of Artemis T'rizz

Post by Artemis » July 6th, 2023, 2:42 pm

Artemis T'rizz
Full name: Artemis T'rizz
Found Date: 19 Icereign 1313 A.S.
Birthplace: Athaerun
Birth Sign: The Tower

Age: 34
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 200lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Bright Blonde
Skin: White ( Tanned Brown)

Posture: Strong Posture, looks people from above.
Hygiene: Mostly Good
Scent: Cedar, Blood and Ale

Physical Description: Tall and Muscular Build. He is a natural. Most of his body shape developed by manual and Psychical labor. Long Blonde Hair and Beard, multiple Scar stains on his face and body. Always, Stands out in a group of people because of his Structure. People in Fort knows him as The Strong.

General Health: Mostly in good health, Daily routine he goes thru build him a strong Immune System. He does not get sick easily.

Personality: Even thou he looks like the guy you don't want to be involved from the first impression, He is a polite and helpful person. He always worries about other people's safety and puts himself in front to protect others. Very clumsy and not the smartest.

Profession: Adventurer, Hunter, Ranger.

Positive Traits: Positive, Polite and Helpful.

Negative Traits: Clumsy and Might Lose Temper pretty easily.

History: Born and raised as a hunter. He learned and mastered the Art of Using bows and Axes from his dad as a tradition and a heritage of being from rurals of Athaerun. He always pledged himself protecting others and helping people in need. After, a long monotone life style in Rurals. He decided to step away and set his course to the Providence to make difference.
Last edited by Artemis on July 6th, 2023, 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 13
Character: Artemis

Re: Legacy Of Artemis T'rizz

Post by Artemis » July 6th, 2023, 4:33 pm

It was an ordinary day for Artemis. He completed a mission with Ashford down in the Old Monastery, one of their Ordinary Runs, to keep the Ashwalkers on the leash and collect their fragments to make augmentations for everybody in the faction. Sadly, that is the only place you can get Fliments, which are an essential resource to advance people's gear in the Fort, and to get those Fliments, these missions require killing many Ashwalkers. Hunting Ashwalkers was never fun. Even though they were using unaccepted arcana and the Republic considered them witches, killing your own kind as humans always troubled Artemis. What if we could help them change? I guess there are many good reasons to hunt them down and not feel guilty. Artemis always treats his own people's needs as the first priority; if something needs to be done to meet those needs, He does not consider it twice. At the end of the day, He is a soldier for a more significant cause.

While many thoughts were going through his mind while he rested by the fire in his tiny shack, He flashed back to the memories of taking the first step into Providence. Almost two years have passed, but what has changed? In the first couple of weeks, He didn't know anybody in Providence; some faces were familiar from the fireside chats in the Rumbling Pass while waiting for the Visas to be handed out. A little smile appears on their face. On the first day, so many people passed that gate and entered the Fort that he remembers the guards thinking it was an uprising and starting to attack people. It took them some time to realize those were actually the people coming from Rumbling Pass legally.

Remembering looking around in the Fort, everybody was rushing; it looked like everybody had a reason to be there, trying to settle and already getting stuff done. He was utterly lost. He knew he wanted to be here, but he was unsure why. Slowly the days pass, going hunting in groups, socializing, drinking in the tavern, and being banned from the Fort because of naked boxing on the top patio of the tavern building. He managed to build a reputation of his own as an unbeatable beast with uncontrollable rage. He developed a war cry of yelling his name in the battle to motivate himself after a joke from Gryhun; that war cry became his signature in action. It makes people laugh and makes some people pee on their pants; it depends on what side of the battle they are on.

His journey evolved as he joined the Church of Decus and then the de Ravin's. He has always been a royal Soldier and a member of each faction, serving for many moons. Later on, he joined KM&A with his fellow friends Gryhun and Ashford, with whom he spends most of his time going on hunts and getting around. It was the most logical decision to make. He finally feels like home has a purpose, surrounded by good people and friends such as Ashford, Gryhun, Doctor Theo, and Viola.

KM&A is mainly founded by crafters; they are the best tradesmen in their field in Providence, unlike the previous factions he was a member of. Artemis, as the muscle of the group aside from Gryhun, pledged to keep them safe and help the people of the Fort as long as he breathed. He Finally feels like he has found his Purpose since the day he arrived at those gates. He had never written anything down before; it took him a long time to learn to read and write, but it seemed like this was the beginning of something new.

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