New Character: Clinton Maxwell

Forum used for archiving approved character applications.
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Posts: 2
Character: Buster Fairfax

New Character: Clinton Maxwell

Post by Buster » August 1st, 2023, 9:55 pm


Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played?
I play Buster Fairfax. This is my 2nd character slot application.
How did you hear about Requiem?
Friends told me about it.


What will your character’s name be?
Clinton Maxwell
Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:
Clinton Maxwell is a man in his mid thirties who is tall and broad-shouldered, with unkempt blonde hair and a rough beard. His clothes and arms are often covered in oil spots, dirt, and coal dust. He smells of cigarettes and hard liquor.

Please provide a few short paragraphs with pertinent details or notable qualities of your character’s history. This does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret:
Clinton was born in a small mining town on the Bloody Basin in Drolund. He was a rowdy young man, prone to get into fights, so it made sense when he came of age that he was conscripted to fight the Osteins. Clinton left his violent nature behind when he returned from war but brought back a taste for booze and a love of gambling late into the night.

He married a woman in exchange for a dowry. His wife was a moralizing woman, raised on the Decusian creed, who spent much of the day praying for Clinton's soul. Clinton for his part had lost the dowry in a few hands of cards. Ultimately he decided it was in both their best interests for him to leave her behind, though he meant to write her a letter promising to someday repay her dowry, Clinton could neither read nor write.

Traveling eastward upon a "borrowed" horse, he found his way to a Foundry town butted up against the Good Sea, central to it was a massive arsenal. He witnessed as the Foundry tested new explosives, gunpowder, and cannons and he found the destructive power he beheld intoxicating. He moved into the shanty village that grew out of the shadows of the arsenal and every few days when the foreman looked for new recruits he lined up, patiently awaiting to be selected, surviving on the meat of his "borrowed" horse.

For months he worked shoveling coal and sweeping the floors during the day for coin, which he inevitably lost at cards later that night. He watched as the engineers worked with their machinery, memorizing everything he saw in the hopes someday they'll offer more rewarding work, but it was never meant to be. Clinton once again felt hopeless and restless.

One evening as the whistle blew Clinton pilfered a pistol from the arsenal and sneaking it back to the shanty town he offered it up as his ante and this time he got lucky. He left Drolund behind with the pistol and enough coin for a one way trip east.
Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:
Clinton sees the First Province as a newly untamed land with unclaimed treasure and opportunity. He intends to make his nut and ride off into the sunset, but, of course, it won't be so easy as he hopes.

Scenario Response:
As Clinton is called forward he takes a crinkly stack of papers and places them down on the table. As the officiant eyes the paperwork, Clinton feels assured. Everything looks official down to the stamps and the ribbon. Worth every penny, Clinton thinks.

"What is this?" the officiant says with a sigh, pulling the stamp and ribbon aside.

"My paperwork, uh, sir. Everything in order?" Clinton immediately begins to regret having never learned to read.

The officiant began to raise his hand, signaling the nearby guard.

"Oh! I forgot that this was part of it!" thinking quickly, Clinton slid something wrapped in a handkerchief across the table.

The officiant looked surprise as he opened the handkerchief to reveal a pistol. His jaw dropped open.

Regaining his composure "You know I could just have this confiscated?"

"You could, sir. It's a fine contraption, in working order. It'll serve you well. I'm at your mercy here."

After a long, intense pause the officiant spoke slowly, "get out of my sight and stay out of trouble. Let him pass."

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 663
Character: Swaglord420

Re: New Character: Clinton Maxwell

Post by Coty » August 1st, 2023, 10:06 pm

Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!

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