New scribe at the Bright Lantern Market

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Character: Ashi Kirino

New scribe at the Bright Lantern Market

Post by Cons » August 13th, 2023, 12:30 am

Hailing from Collatia, an ancient province steeped in mystery and rich history, emerges Amelia, a scribe of unparalleled knowledge and unwavering dedication. With quill in hand and an unquenchable thirst for wisdom, Amelia ventured beyond the boundaries of her homeland, carrying the weight of forgotten lore and timeless tales. Adorned in robes adorned with ink-stained sigils, she now traverses new provinces, ready to chronicle the unfolding adventures and weave the threads of destiny into the grand tapestry of existence.

She could be found in the northern reaches of the First Province, in a small settlement of Bright Lantern.


[Finally, a proper spellbook vendor in the province. There is no real logic to the spellbook offered, so you will have to check one by one to see which bonuses suit your character. Good luck.]

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