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New Character: Kravos

Posted: August 17th, 2023, 6:09 pm
by Valos
Do you have any prior experience with Requiem?

I play a character now named Cefric

What will your character’s name be?


Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:

An aged warrior, Kravos is tall and well muscled. His face, neck and arms are covered in scars and his nose looks like it has been broken a few times. His grey eyes are a sharp contrast to his rough appearance, revealing a calm wisdom and unyielding determination.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:

Outcast and wanted, he has come to the First Province to escape civilization. Saddened by the loss of his villiage, depressed from years in a cell, and always suppressing an innner rage that would never quiet, Kravos wanted to fight. In the First Province, he could throw himself into the war against the torment without having to worry about the authorities coming for him.

Please provide a few short paragraphs with pertinent details or notable qualities of your character’s history. This does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret:

Born and raised in the northern frigid outlands of Arkhess, far north of the Freemangle range among the untamed wilds, Kravos grew to be a brutal combatant and well respected among his people. From a young age, he proved himself time and time again as a fearless and dangerous warrior, protecting his villiage from the walking dead and his people from other raiders.

His people were paganistic and dabbled in some magic in secret. He wasnt suited to it, but growing up with it lead him to be more comfortable with those who practice magic.

He would venture into more civilized areas at times, sometimes to raid, other times to barter for goods. Eventually, the raiding of merchants caught up with him, and he was captured and imprisoned. After spending several years in a cell, he managed to escape. When he returned to his village, he found it empty... everyone was gone. A pile of bones near an ashen firepit told a grim story. Those who lived by violence, ended with violence.

Alone, wanted, unsure of what to do, he returned to the outskirts of civilization, earning his way by taking odd jobs. Then he received an offer to escort a merchant to the First Province. It would take him far from the law he wished to avoid, while also paying him handsomly.

Sadly, as the caravan traveled closer, a sickness spread across them. Kravos was in strong health, but for several days he was weak. When he recovered, he found the others he was escorting had died from the illness. He took what he could carry, including a visa, and continued on to the First Province.

A new place, a new start, and lots of dead to kill.

Please write a few short paragraphs of an in-character response to the following scenario:

Kravos approached the station official, wary and uncertain. There was no one else here today, just him and the official. He had expected... crowds. Perhaps he was too late and had missed his chance today.

The official glanced at him and began his speech, the routine droning on in a too loud voice, as if the area was full and he needed to yell over the crowds to be heard.

Kravos watched him and listened, glancing around occasionally at the empty area.

"I expected there to be... more folks here." he grunted.

The official frowned a bit, then sighed. "Seems many folk have fallen sick the past few days around here. Doesn't seem to be too dangerous, but i hear some folk..."

The offical stammered as he got a closer look at Kravos' face, covered in brutal scars. He continued, but the pause was obvious.

"... have been hit hard by it. We were expecting a few caravans soon, but no word."

Kravos nodded slowly. "I was sent ahead", he lied as he pulled out the visa. "Caravan I was with is a few days out, but they wanted me to come ahead and get established on the other side."

He handed the man the visa his caravan guide had written up for him.

The man took it, scanned the document, then nodded.

"It's all in order. I'll be sure to let the others know you've been through when they arrive. Go ahead now, we'll be starting the train soon. Only two others on board, but it doesn't look like we'll get any more today."

Kravos nodded and hurried onto the train. He was seething inside, a deep anger he rarely let loose, but it had been too long. He was eager for battle... looking forward to throwing himself against the walking dead and letting his rage run rampant.

Re: New Character: Kravos

Posted: August 17th, 2023, 8:05 pm
by Coty
Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!