Decusian, merchant the latter has it

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Posts: 22
Character: Damon Bennett

Decusian, merchant the latter has it

Post by gery » August 19th, 2023, 6:27 am

Dear Ashlyin and fellow community members,

I write to you with a heavy heart, burdened by the actions and decisions that have transpired between us. As a devout follower of the Path of the Eight Virtues, I embraced our partnership with honesty, honor, and humility. I labored for you without payment, believing in the righteousness of our cause. However, I find myself betrayed by your actions. You made decisions without my counsel, sold products that resulted from my labor, and profited from them without regard for the community we vowed to support and protect.
Your actions have shown a disregard for the virtues I hold dear. I believe you have acted without honesty, selling products without my consent. You have dishonored our agreement, making decisions without my involvement. And you have shown a lack of humility, placing profit above the well-being of our community.

Furthermore, I must bring to your attention a most grievous and suspicious event. My horse, a loyal companion and a symbol of my commitment to our community, has mysteriously disappeared from the horse pen attached to my house. The timing of this disappearance is highly suspicious, and I cannot ignore the fact that I had given access to the guild.

As a Decusian, I cannot overlook this incident. It strikes at the very core of my beliefs, challenging the virtues of trust and integrity that I have always upheld. I implore the authorities to look into this matter with the utmost urgency. The disappearance of my horse is not merely a loss of property; it is a breach of the sacred trust that binds us as a community.

I must denounce you as a non-Decusian merchant in hiding. Your actions are not in line with the teachings of Decus, and I cannot stand by them. I accepted to work for you for free as a Decusian, but I cannot accept the betrayal, the disregard for the values that guide my life, and the suspicious circumstances surrounding the loss of my horse.

May you reflect upon your actions and find the path to righteousness. I pray that the flame of Decus guides you back to the virtues that once united us.

With profound disappointment and a plea for justice,

Posts: 22
Character: Damon Bennett

Re: Decusian, merchant the latter has it

Post by gery » August 19th, 2023, 6:53 am

Dear Fellow Members of the Province,

In these trying times, when our community faces challenges and uncertainties, I find solace and purpose in the teachings of our Lord Decus. The Path of the Eight Virtues guides my actions, and I am compelled to offer my skills for the greater good of our province.

I offer my expertise in collecting wood, shaping it according to the divine plan, and crafting engineering elements that serve our common goals. My hands have been blessed with the ability to transform raw materials into tools and structures that strengthen our community. And now, guided by the wisdom of Decus, I have begun to explore the noble art of blacksmithing. My pricing follows the Decusian way, reflecting the values of honesty, humility, and honor. I will not seek profit for personal gain but will work for the holy purpose that unites us all. If the cause is righteous and serves the community, I shall offer my services for free, for it is our shared responsibility to protect and nurture the land we call home.

I joined this province with a heart full of hope and a soul committed to service. I believe that we all have a part to play in saving our community, and I am ready to do mine. Let us unite, guided by the virtues of Decus, and build a future that honors our faith and shared destiny.

May the light of Decus shine upon you, and may we find strength and unity in our collective efforts.

With unwavering faith and devotion,

Posts: 95
Character: Jakell Wormwood

Re: Decusian, merchant the latter has it

Post by Wormwood » August 19th, 2023, 9:15 am

* a hastily drawn phallic symbol in what might be black charcoal marks over much of the posted letter.

The angelic wings behind it looked added as an after thought*

Quanasar Runathag
Posts: 8
Character: Quanasar, Luna Torres

Re: Decusian, merchant the latter has it

Post by Quanasar Runathag » August 19th, 2023, 9:58 am

Dear Damon,

you are quite quick to jump to conclussion. Aahlyin and I was yesterday at your house and found the horses misssing - thinking YOU stole them or killed them. The horses, yes I speak in plural. Both of them belonged to Ashlyin, namely Storm and Ferdy. She didnt want to acuse you of doing so - like a true decussioan should not. She wanted to seek you out first in pwerson. The House you call your home is solely paid by her, plus the upkeep. And you dare to say she betrayed you?

I have now two gold pieces less on my bank from which I bought her new horses - Shame on you.


Posts: 22
Character: Damon Bennett

Re: Decusian, merchant the latter has it

Post by gery » August 19th, 2023, 12:00 pm

I have read your letter with a heavy heart and must express my deep concern over the assumptions and accusations made. As a devout Decusian, I am guided by the Path of the Eight Virtues, and I approach this matter with a commitment to truth, integrity, and community.

Firstly, I must question your involvement in this matter. Your relationship with Ashlyin and the guild business is unclear to me, and I find it troubling that you have taken such a hasty stance without seeking the truth. Your quick attempt to cover for Ashlyin, without knowing the full facts, raises questions about your motivations.

The disappearance of the horses, Storm and Ferdy, was indeed a suspicious event, and I acted in accordance with my faith by calling for a proper investigation by the authorities. I did not make wild accusations or jump to conclusions. I sought the truth, as any true Decusian would. Your claim that Ashlyin solely pays for the house, and that I have betrayed her, is both misguided and unjust. I have contributed to the upkeep of the house with my labor, my skills, and my unwavering commitment to our shared values. I have worked for Ashlyin for free, accepting this as a Decusian, but I felt betrayed when decisions were made without me, and products of my labor were sold for personal gain.

I implore you to reflect on the Decusian values guiding our lives and community. Let us not be swayed by anger, haste, or personal agendas. Let us seek the truth with honor, humility, and respect as He would have wanted us to.

I have faith that a proper investigation will reveal the truth.

May the light of Decus guide us all, and may we find wisdom and compassion in our shared path.


Posts: 30
Character: Ara, Ashlyin Blackreigns, Simon

Re: Decusian, merchant the latter has it

Post by HeXiS » August 21st, 2023, 11:50 pm

Dear Damon,

My horses were also missing. i am unsure what happened to thm. i did not made anything from the materials and tools you've made with exception of 2 lock kits which w put on YOUR house. all the others are still in your packaging. i am still using the tools i had already made. but i found your tools to be of better quality. als you were not aware of this but you were being paid 10 silver per week i also bought a deed to have a merchant of your own on the guild banister. when you took anthers word of greed my heart sank. we are family. and i will wait patiently for you to come and talk with me in person. express your feelings and let us resolve this misunderstanding.


Sylvi Iramdottir
Posts: 17
Character: Thalia Cirillo

Re: Decusian, merchant the latter has it

Post by Sylvi Iramdottir » August 25th, 2023, 1:55 am

I must denounce you as a non-Decusian merchant in hiding. Your actions are not in line with the teachings of Decus, and I cannot stand by them. I accepted to work for you for free as a Decusian, but I cannot accept the betrayal, the disregard for the values that guide my life, and the suspicious circumstances surrounding the loss of my horse.
Dear Heavy Hearted Damon,

First of all, this 'betrayal' you speak of was long decided before you'd even started working for Blackreigns and Company. The Adventurer's association is a deviation from the design of the founding members, as such we're merely moving forward with plans that had long ago been set into motion. La Familia has no room for dishonest and petty people that use the Decusian faith as a shield to act without any of your stated virtues. You should be ashamed to use the words 'honesty and integrity' while trying to rally to community to outcast a hard working member, one who has provided for you.

Let me ask, who the hel do you think you are to come into a new group and demand to be privy to all things? What say do you have over the direction the Founding members have decided to pursue? What sort of shit do you think you're entitled to when you 'denounce' someone as a Decusian because of what? Because she did not give a man-child a wonderous master work for free? You are no legion soldier nor Inquisitor, which Ashilyn has gladly supplied masterpieces for in the past. I can also assure you that I have provided far more for Ashilyn's production than you likely have ever produced in your lifetime, I've been more than adequately paid for my services. The fact that you agreed to work for free is beyond understanding. What does 'working for free' entitle you to exactly? Nothing. Actually nothing. Why might a 'good Decusian' work for free? Never out of feelings of debt? Right? One doesn't 'work for free' for shits and giggles. You were provided for- and you seemed to have forgotten that fact. I suppose I understand it now, the working for free would always end like this, a ploy to play the victim.

I find your accusation about your missing horse outright insulting to the Company. You did not even bother to note that her own two horses were missing as well. Did you ever consider perhaps it was the man-child whining about the the price of his halberd? Or was it a Bardiche? Instead of investigating you were quick to assume that Ashilyn would be so draconic as to kill or get rid of her own horses in some way just to also get rid of yours.

I find your words full of venom, even if you do not understand the true consequences of your words- you've still written them in public. You should be ashamed of your disgusting lack of integrity, you are not fit to see the Sun: Because you act like a worm. Honor your vitues or know your shame you nasty black tongued devil.

How dare you use faith as a shield to act like a worm.

~Thalia Cirillo

Posts: 22
Character: Damon Bennett

Re: Decusian, merchant the latter has it

Post by gery » August 27th, 2023, 3:46 am

Dear Thalia Cirillo, Ashlyin, and the Community,

I read your letters with a mixture of disbelief and sorrow. It is clear that the virtues of Decusian faith, which I hold dear, are being twisted and manipulated to serve personal agendas. I must address the accusations and assumptions that have been made against me.

Thalia, your letter is a glaring example of how the Decusian virtues can be misused. You accuse me of using my faith as a shield, yet it is you who are wielding it as a weapon to defend actions that are clearly not in line with the Decusian values of honesty, integrity, and community. You question my entitlement to be part of the guild's decision-making process, yet my commitment to these virtues obliges me to speak out when I see them being violated.

Ashlyin, your letter suggests that I was being paid and that I had a merchant of my own. If this is true, why was I not informed? The lack of transparency and communication is a betrayal of the Decusian virtues of honesty and integrity. I accepted working for free under the assumption that it was for a greater good, for the community, and not for personal gain. Your actions, and the actions of those defending you, suggest otherwise.

As for the missing horses, it is not just my horse that has disappeared but yours as well. I have never accused you of being responsible; I merely called for an investigation by the proper authorities. The cut-out human heart left in my animal pen is a vile act that goes against all Decusian virtues. It is a threat that has no place in a community that values respect and dignity.

To Thalia and Ashlyin's patchies, who have resorted to threats and intimidation, I say that You are undermining the virtues that hold our community together. You are creating division and discord where there should be unity and harmony. This is not the Decusian way.

I will not be silenced or intimidated. I will continue to uphold the Decusian virtues that guide my life, and I will continue to call for transparency, honesty, and integrity in all personal and communal dealings. I am willing to discuss this matter in person, to clear any misunderstandings, but I will not back down from my principles.

May the light of Decus guide us to the truth.

With unwavering commitment to the Decusian virtues,

P.S. To Thalia Cirillo,

In the brief span of my time within this community, I've come to learn of your involvement in the enticement and near-fatal endangerment of another innocent civilian. It is both perplexing and disheartening to see you ascend a moral high ground, preaching virtues you yourself seem to disregard. Before you cast stones, perhaps it would be wise to examine the foundation of your own glass house.

Posts: 30
Character: Ara, Ashlyin Blackreigns, Simon

Re: Decusian, merchant the latter has it

Post by HeXiS » August 27th, 2023, 1:54 pm

Ashlyin, your letter suggests that I was being paid and that I had a merchant of my own. If this is true, why was I not informed? The lack of transparency and communication is a betrayal of the Decusian virtues of honesty and integrity. I accepted working for free under the assumption that it was for a greater good, for the community, and not for personal gain. Your actions, and the actions of those defending you, suggest otherwise.
Dear Damon,

I did not get the chance to inform you of the merchant. if you wiill recall i was asked to leave the De Ravin hall, I had intended to set the merchant up once we had left. and as i recall i DID infarct tell you i was planning to set on up for you right next to mine. If memory serves, we discussed it before i had hired Bart as my own new vendor. After I made mr Amon's weapon too be. i was left with no coins after purchasing additional coal and steel and leather wrappings to continue working on it after exhausting my materials. Once I had recovered enough too buy the necessary contract, I did so. I then went to met with mr Amon to try and make some form of amends. but it became clear his mind was set. If you wish to leave the family please do return your keys and collect your things. i shall likewise return the keys you lent me to your home. As for your faith. I do not deny your faith. But i find it difficult to cme to any conclusion other than that you are being mislead using your faith.


Sylvi Iramdottir
Posts: 17
Character: Thalia Cirillo

Re: Decusian, merchant the latter has it

Post by Sylvi Iramdottir » August 27th, 2023, 5:11 pm

Dear Damon,

I saw the human heart in your animal pen, not having known it was yours. It is clear that others are taking great enjoyment out of these public letters. Firstly you're an idiot for writing on a public board instead of attempting to actually speak with Ashilyn in person or by personal letter. There is a post office...

We had no involvement in the disappearance of your horse, and you did in fact accuse Ashilyn of killing or taking your horse. You have set the tone to this whole ordeal. You have acted with dishonesty and hasty malice.

As for what you heard about the events that transpired nearly a year ago, I can tell you this- My companions and true friends know the truth. I was having a home built and I trusted a man with old vendettas against him to build me a house. When we went to build this house, three people masked and concealed came from behind the trees and threw a bomb without any words. My horse was killed and I was badly burned. In the last second I threw a flashbang and managed to get away. I didn't come back to help the man, because I didn't know if he had set this ambush. Later I found out his previous vendettas caught up with him and nearly got ME killed.

Whether you believe it or not. I don't care, you are not fit for the Family. So you will never be my companion nor friend. So my truth matters not. I hope you realize what you've done in time and come to know your shame. If you had half a shred of sense you'd see there's a third party here causing the trouble, yet you're focused on the people who opened their doors to you. You were so concerned that we are working to change the name to better line up with the original intent, you never bothered to ask what our original intent was. You simply said that we were dishonest for this. Is that how you address your concerns? Becausey ou will not get very far in the Province. You cannot simply call people dishonest and greedy for no reason. The Community is not your army to call upon when you feel you didn't get your way. Grow a spine.

You will get no assistance from La Familia in the form of materials, trade, nor assistance in investigating the disappearance of your horse. If we discover any evidence it will be left with the Deputy Auditor.

I expect you to relinquish your keys to the hall, to myself or to Ashilyn. This will be the last of our public correspondence.

~Thalia Cirillo

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