General Standard of Greifing (Server-wide lack of ettiquette)

General discussions concerning the world of Requiem and the community.
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Sylvi Iramdottir
Posts: 17
Character: Thalia Cirillo

General Standard of Greifing (Server-wide lack of ettiquette)

Post by Sylvi Iramdottir » September 18th, 2023, 7:21 pm

Since I've arrived on this server I have noticed a rather strong culture of trolling and griefing in game.

The most recent example of this is the random killing of player owned horses. While seeing people post that horses were having technical trouble at the time, many horses only had 3 hp and many people had lost horses WITHOUT having to worry about players killing them.

I, personally had my horse killed on a server restart.

A new player posts about his horses getting killed- so it happens even more.

This is the most clear cut case of griefing and there's been no ability to get the slightest form of resolution from it. This is honestly despicable behavior and it puts strain on our staff's ability to provide fun engagement when they have to worry about this kind of garbage. They aren't here to babysit- they're here to have fun and provide fun.

If this is honestly the general standard of how to interact with each other then player retention was never a priority.

This is by no means an attack on the staff, quite the opposite. If you're engaging in this then you know who you are, and likely enjoy the fact that you're a problem.

Seriously though- if you want to engage in character related shenanigans- why is it so hard to have some balls to do to someone who can respond?

Sylvi Iramdottir
Posts: 17
Character: Thalia Cirillo

Re: General Standard of Greifing (Server-wide lack of ettiquette)

Post by Sylvi Iramdottir » September 18th, 2023, 7:24 pm

Proposal: Add some kind of log that shows the staff who is killing a horse. (if this is possible) Not the player.

Adjust the rules so that killing a horse in a pen requires one to leave evidence to trail ic, also one needs an rp reason beyond wasting the other's time and money.

Posts: 25
Character: Burning Leaf

Re: General Standard of Greifing (Server-wide lack of ettiquette)

Post by Meriel » September 18th, 2023, 8:10 pm

A staff log would be a good idea, assuming staff have the capacity and interest. Also would be good to log doors and item unlocks.

I know thievery is a way of life here but we’re on the honor system as far as leaving behind clues unless it’s a lockpick situation and some are more honorable than others.

All of these conflict driving acts will only promote RP if they are roleplayed. If they are done to secretly victimize another player/character, then I have to wonder about the RP vs. OOC motivation behind the activity. These actions should be motivated by a desire to interact with the character. There should be some breadcrumbs. If not, it appears the motivation is to lash out in some hurtful way and that’s not welcome.

Posts: 30
Character: Ara, Ashlyin Blackreigns, Simon

Re: General Standard of Greifing (Server-wide lack of ettiquette)

Post by HeXiS » September 18th, 2023, 8:29 pm

Another solution would be a few QOL additions to architecture in engineering. Like an upgrade to the animal pen, the current one is for single is fine for a single horse maybe 2, but after 2 it gets a bit wonky. It can be done and isn't terrible but the option of an upgrade say a small 3 stall stable with walls would be a nice addition... basically 3 walls and a roof for our animal friends. you still would need to build a fence with gate to completely enclose it but at least it's something. also adds to the diversity of build options.

Posts: 22
Character: Damon Bennett

Re: General Standard of Greifing (Server-wide lack of ettiquette)

Post by gery » September 22nd, 2023, 4:56 am

not to mention bad rp, after the first packhorse kills i put up actual stone pillars
did it stop them? no

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