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Meddler's Inc.: Now Hiring

Posted: November 27th, 2023, 5:07 pm
by Murdy

MEDDLER’S INCORPORATED will be holding OPEN INTERVIEWS on the 2nd, 6th, AND 7th of Frostmarch (12/2 @ 12pm EST, 12/6-12/7 @ 8pm EST) for the following JOB OPPORTUNITIES.

To schedule a private interview outside the aforementioned dates, interested persons should contact HOLLIS MAEBY by post or visit the MEDDLER'S INCORPORATED offices to speak to Constantine.

Applicants should come prepared for practical demonstrations as well as bring any supporting documentation or evidence of their qualifications.

WANTED, CHARISMATIC PERSONS to TEND BAR. Must be entertaining, of sufficient competency, and diligent in tasks related to upkeep and cleaning. No laggards or drunkards need apply.
WANTED, a TRUSTWORTHY DISCIPLINARIAN to MANAGE TAVERN; able to maintain rigorous order and manage employee and customer alike. Preferably married, but not absolutely essential, and of good stock and moral character.
WANTED, PERFORMERS to ENTHRALL and ENTERTAIN. Should be capable of sufficient talent to entertain raucous audience. Transients will be considered on an ad-hoc basis provided they are sufficiently reliable. Current or former circus preferred.
WANTED, a Competent INTERN willing to learn the ropes of managing a growing enterprise. Long-term commitment, constant danger, small wages, some menial tasks. Honor and recognition in case of success.
WANTED, BUSINESSES, MERCHANTS and CRAFTSMAN of ALL TRADES and experience levels to enter into incorporated trading compact; should be business-minded, driven, and have some knowledge of mercantilism. Benefits to include free paper advertisements and advertising, priority orders, preferential rates on products and raw resources, and access to skilled laborers capable of procuring rare and valuable raw goods.
WANTED, an EVENT ORGANIZER for the purpose of helping facilitate both mercantile and community events; should be strong communicator of good community standing without rumor or blemish on character. No one need apply whose character will not bear strict enquiry.
WANTED, a GENTLEMAN for a situation as FOOTMAN. Must have acute sense of propriety, with history of loyal service. Should be found willing and obliging, with good recommendations.
WANTED, a RAT CATCHER, small build, capable of entering crawlspaces, with small hands suited to removing vermin from rat warrens. Must be crafty and prove usefulness or will be replaced with cat.
WANTED, a YOUNG MAN, light weight, as GROOM. He must be able to train young horses, as well as shoeing and farrier work. Preferably married or averse to the fairer sex. Stable lodging negotiable.
WANTED, a FOREMAN to assist in the logistics of various projects. Should be both respected in given trade and quite competent in engineering, and possessing commanding presence capable of motivating layabouts. Preferably advanced in age and regressed in patience. Tipplers and those of weak moral character need not apply.
WANTED, a PROJECT MANAGER to conceive and execute projects as directed. Must be a good orator of impeccable character and reputation, proficient in negotiating and the social niceties of business.
WANTED, USEFUL MEN and WOMEN. Must possess agreeable nature and potential, willing to commit to odd-jobs and assist as needed. Transients will be considered on an ad-hoc basis provided they are sufficiently reliable. Advancement possible and likely for motivated persons.