Meddler's Incorporated

Forum used for submitting new applications for Factions on Requiem.

Moderator: Gatekeeper

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Posts: 18
Character: Constantine

Meddler's Incorporated

Post by Murdy » December 24th, 2023, 9:38 am

Basics & Logistics

1. Have you read all of the prerequisites and considerations and do you agree to abide by them?


2. What is the name of your intended Faction?

Meddler’s Incorporated
Meddler's Inc. (Shorthand)

3. What is the expected or intended size of the Faction in terms of player characters?

~10 at the start, but as many as we can reasonably sustain and generate roleplay for.

4. What is the expected or intended size of the Faction in terms of its’ lore concept, and/or including NPCs?

Large. As a mercantile organization engaged in outreach, politics, and ensuring stability Meddler’s Incorporated will field a number of employees, including but not limited to guards, craftsman, merchants, entertainers, performers, clerks, and porters.

5. Roleplaying wise, how influential will the Faction strive to be? Will it tend to stick to itself and not make waves, or will it try and become a household name? How will the Faction accomplish this level (or lack thereof) of influence and reputation?

The Meddler’s brand has been a consistent mainstay in Fort Praesidium for over a year; engaging in commerce, community outreach, philanthropy, and projects designed to lift the collective fortunes of the community and improve foundry infrastructure.

6. Does the Faction have any unique colors, sigils, banners, or signage that uniquely identifies it? What is the significance of it?

The ‘Meddler’s’ brand, or ‘M’ insignia, is the most common indicator of association.

Goals & Future

1. What purpose, direction or goal does the Faction have in the world at large?

At its core, Meddler’s Inc. is a mercantile enterprise dedicated to improving both the individual fortunes of its members and the collective fortunes of the community.

2. What purpose, direction or goal does the Faction have within the quarantined First Province in particular?

Meddler’s Inc.’s understands the collective well-being and fortunes of its members, and of Fort Praesidium and its inhabitants, depend on the success of the Foundry’s efforts to establish the fort and a greater region as a sustainable, profitable endeavor.

Therefore, being that their interests are strongly aligned, they seek to deepen their partnership with the Foundry and more firmly establish themselves in the Fort as a household name and an indispensable asset.

3. Role-playing wise, what would the Faction seek to accomplish within the next six to twelve months? What are their immediate and long-term goals?

Short Term:

- Fill out organizational structure for Meddler’s Inc.’s individual businesses to allow members to operate with relative autonomy.
- Establish bylaws and fill board.
- Host high-profile cultural event

Long Term:

- Fort Praesidium Housing Project
- Rumbling Pass Refugee Camp/Trade Route Security Project
- Help the Foundry establish Fort Praesidium and the greater region as an economic hub, thereby securing their place within the fort.
- Secure Foundry contracts.

4. Is the Faction famous or infamous for anything in particular? Will it strive to be famous or infamous for anything in the near future?

The Meddler’s brand has been a consistent mainstay in Fort Praesidium for over a year; engaging in commerce, community outreach, philanthropy, and projects designed to to lift the collective fortunes of the community and improve foundry infrastructure.

Meddler’s is the “do everything” company. Where there is a need, there’s an opportunity.

Meddler’s Inc. has an existing reputation in the following areas: contract work, mercantilism, event organizing, cultural events, economic arbitrage, community outreach, diplomacy, politics, and conflict intervention.

Concept & Community

1. Please provide the Discord handle of the intended Player Leader of this Faction that will serve to liaison with the Staff in the future:**

Murdy (Constantine) - soopahh

2. Please provide a summary as to the out-of-character purpose of the Faction, what sort of role you feel it will fill in-game (trading guild, PVP, PVM, etc.), and what sort of player character you intend to attract and/or support with the Faction in general.**

Despite being inherently a community-oriented mercantile organization, the scope of Meddler’s Inc. and its endeavors is wide-reaching. Ensuring stability, contract work, mercantilism, event organizing, cultural events, economic arbitrage, community outreach, diplomacy, politics, and conflict intervention demand a wide range of employees with an even wider skill set.

Trading, Politics, Diplomacy, PVM, and even possible PVP.


1. If you have anything additional you would like to publicly share with us, to include in-character write ups, descriptions, organization structures or even custom logos and sigils, please provide them here:


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