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Gathering of The Flock

Posted: March 20th, 2024, 12:57 pm
by GoRRiK
A tatter note is found posted about assorted bulletin boards across Fort Praesidium

May the Eight guide you, the Lord Protect and Preserve you. Please hear the humble pleas all who find these words. I counsel many that walk this fortress and beyond. I fear a great illness is feasting upon the flock. I hear tales of torment and disgust. These words and trials can not fall by the wayside while our passions run ramped. I humbly request all willing to gather with me in Fort Praesidium Tavern.

Unworthy Servant,
Father Otis

Where: Fort Praesidium Tavern
When: 03/20/2024 at 3:00 PM EST & 8:00 PM EST
Why: To generate RP and develop current events and needs of the parish and all around us.