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Requiem Launch Details & The Road Forward

Posted: October 28th, 2018, 5:56 pm
by Sic
Hello Requiemites! We hope that everyone is looking forward to our official launch. I’d like to apologize for the lack of regular updates as of late; we’ve been hard at work every moment we have free to finalize development of our production release of Requiem, and finding time to write up lengthy posts concerning what we’re doing takes away from our development time. However, as we get closer to official release, I’d like to take a moment to share with you all where we’re at with everything, our plan forward, and the details regarding launch.

Map and Decoration Development: 95% Done

The world of Requiem has never looked better. Our map team has been hard at work hand-crafting the world to turn some heads. Just about every last major project is done, and all that’s left is some last strokes of the proverbial brush. We’ve expanded our play area by a significant amount, and the map is looking primo. Shout out to Alt and Concealed for doing us right.

Mechanical Development (scripting): 95% Done

We have been working our fingers to the bone with assuring that everything is ready to go for launch. Numerous new systems exist to play with, and our testing team has been amazing in helping us polish and fix up all of these new additions. We’ve pushed 62 code revisions in just the last two weeks alone; that’s more than 4 revisions a day! We have gotten through virtually everything that we’ve wanted to add, revise, balance and test, save for a scant few things left on our honey-do list, of which should be wrapped up within the next few days. We have carefully limited ourselves to making sure that all of the content for launch is working as intended as opposed to going wild with new additions and content. Our testing team has been on absolute fire lately and has helped us clear up a plethora of bugs and issues that would of pre-occupied our scripters for another two months. A full change and addition log will be posted within the next few days compiling all of the changes, additions, balances, nerfs and new systems we’ve to offer for launch. I can say without a doubt that our production release is the most fully featured version of Requiem that has ever existed, and represents three continuous years of development by Rex and I.

In-Game Development: 80% Done

The rest of our team has been hard at work examining the entire play area of the game world to assure that spawns are balanced, working properly and make sense. Furthermore, they’ve been seeding the world with new NPCs , content and POIs. Immense work has gone in to the NPC controlled areas of the map and we’re full steam ahead. We’ve a bit more work left to do with setting up the new regions, more NPC spawns and a few other things.

Website, Lore and Forums Development: 70% Done

We’ve kept some of these things like the website, forums and the rest of the lore relegated to the last leg of development as it tends to be some of the quickest stuff to get done. The last bits of lore we were able to recover will be posted back up, along with everything having to do with the production release.

The Road Forward

Our time-tables for launch were just a wee bit off; our development build of Requiem will be done by Halloween, but we’ve about a week or two left of window-dressing to do around the map with spawns and with the website. We’ve agreed that the last thing we wish to do is rush out the game just because it may be mechanically done; Requiem is much more than game mechanics and scripts, and everything deserves to be done right. Therefore, we are re-scheduling the launch of Requiem for Tuesday, November 13th, 2018. This allows all of us to make sure things are perfect in-game, that applications can be made and approved, that all information about the shard is up on the site, and lets the staff get prepared for the times ahead. I’m very sorry that we weren’t able to make our intended window of Halloween, but we want to give ourselves enough breathing room in so that our energy and creative juices aren’t spent by the time we open the doors.

In the coming days, we will be releasing a torrent of information on the forums and site. This will include all of our changelogs for production, explanations on how we will be handling prior characters, application information, staff and volunteer openings, and most importantly, our production plans for the shard and what to expect from your Gamemasters come launch. Thank you to everyone whom has been a part of this crazy endeavor, and stay tuned.