Skill Name


Skill Category


Description of Skill

Skill value in Horticulture allows for the harvesting of various Horticultural harvest nodes found within the world, as well as reducing the stamina cost associated with harvesting them.

Animus Costs

This skill can be raised 1% at a time for a cost of 1 Animus. A total investment of 100 Animus points will raise this skill to a 100% skill value.

Purchasable Skill Abilities

Harvesting I (Horticulture)

Harvesting II (Horticulture)

Harvesting III (Horticulture)

Harvesting IV (Horticulture)

Horticultural Studies

Prospecting I (Horticulture)

Prospecting II (Horticulture)

Prospecting III (Horticulture)