Preying on Decusians

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Posts: 91
Character: Lucian Delavious

Preying on Decusians

Post by Talexis » January 16th, 2019, 1:32 pm

He stalked his prey in the cursed lands they called Aiwella. These damned Decusians just spread taint everywhere they go, be it their men of magics or their metal men. He watched as Logan Marshal fought the zombies... pathetic he thought, the man was sloppy such as are most Decusians. He shall be the message to spread, he shall serve a purpose.

He sprung on the man and striked him down. Then stood over the body, with his dagger he leaves a grim message "ALL DECUSIANS ARE A TAINT ON THE LANDS AND MUST DIE"


Posts: 43
Character: Black

Re: Preying on Decusians

Post by revenant » January 16th, 2019, 2:01 pm

Steps into Aiwella, Albus saw the mutilated corpse with the affixed note. Decus, he thought as he recalled his conversation with the mayor from the previous night, we really can't do anything except leave chaos in our wake.

He affixed the rope harness to himself and dragged the body towards the pyres. As he untied the husk and set him down by the fire the man stirred, a faint groan escaping his lips.

Decus, was he lucky. Left for dead with only a thread tethering his mortal coil to this world. Albus picked him up again, unceremoniously carrying him to the hospital. Lux and Ilyas joined en route dashing to find a doctor.

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Posts: 61
Character: Ashi Kirino

Re: Preying on Decusians

Post by Cons » January 16th, 2019, 2:24 pm

While Logan remains barely alive in local hospital, yet stabilized, Ilyas keeps searching for a doctor around town. No hope in sight...

Posts: 45
Character: Basti

Re: Preying on Decusians

Post by Kadda » January 16th, 2019, 4:49 pm

Margaret runs to the clinic after Albus tells her what's happened. She enters a room filled with people crowded around what looks to be a dead man. Numerous expectant eyes turn towards her, and Margaret feels her stomach drop at the thought of an audience.

The doctor kneels down to inspect the man's vitals, and she discovers that his pulse is weak. Placing an ear to his chest reveals wet, labored breathing; the man was drowning in his own blood. Margaret rummages through her medical bag, pulls out a scalpel, but then shakes her head. "I need a syringe," she informs the crowd while wiping the injury site - a soft spot between his ribs- with topical antiseptic. As if guided by Decus himself, Doctor Basil Qudus emerges with one in hand.

The crowd begins to disperse while discussing amongst themselves the manner in which the man was found. Margaret continues her work, extracting the bloody fluid...


Posts: 30
Character: Basil Qudus

Re: Preying on Decusians

Post by Nördlich » January 16th, 2019, 5:08 pm

What appeared to be lying on the bed was a mutilated body, easily mistaken for a lifeless corpse due to the amount and the severity of the injuries carved deep into its flesh. But dead it was not, if only hardly. A group of people was surrounding the body, heatedly debating the circumstances surrounding the fate of the poor soul. Among them, a sole doctor was meticulously trying to undo the harm done. As she hears somebody enter, she turns around, never breaking the expression of intense concentration from her face.

"Basil, do you have a syringe?"

The man who just entered the room looks a bit perplexed, clearly not expecting whatever was happening inside the crowded room, but he does promptly reach into his medical bag, pulling out a syringe and two. He walks up to the woman, handing the delicate medical instruments to her, and using the opportunity to steal a peek at the mangled body.

"What happened to him"?

She takes one of the syringes in her hand, turning back towards the patient, and with a single swift motion buries the needle deep into the patient's chest, and starts drawing blood.

This one may live yet.
Last edited by Nördlich on January 16th, 2019, 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 6
Character: Logan Marshall

Re: Preying on Decusians

Post by Logan » January 16th, 2019, 6:23 pm

The towering ruins of Aiwella cast its shadows over the traveler. While staring at the place, the newcomer felt agony pouring from the denizens that lurked there; he could hear the moans of the roaming creatures during his approach. And before he could turn his back and return to the fort, everything went as black and dark as a night without stars.

As a warrior and hunter, pain was not unknown by him - and the deep, searing sting of pain is exactly what he felt when he was first pulled back into consciousness. Wave after wave of pain rippled through his body. When he finally opened his eyes, he saw the blurry image of a crowd staring at him and the peripheral outline of a woman checking his pulse. Logan rapidly blinked, and when his sight finally managed to refocus, he saw her green eyes peeking over a surgical mask that also partially obscured a growing smile.

"Welcome back," the woman softly uttered.

The sweet words matched the sweet disposition of someone who surely labored hard to keep a stranger alive. Logan tried to speak but all he could do was cough, and the resulting mixture of blood and pain delayed his verbal attempts for several prolonged moments. He fought through the physical anguish, although his resulting words came as a weak, low rasp.

What happened? Where am I?

The auburn haired woman by his side shushed him and gently said, "You are alive, and you need to rest."

From within the gathered throng of people, though he could not tell the specific speaker, Logan heard words of faith. "He lives! Praise Decus! He lives!"


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