First Torian Reports

In-Character message board for the First Torian Legion. Posts made here are considered physical messages upon an in-game message board.

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Posts: 64
Character: Lucien

Re: First Torian Reports

Post by Lucien » April 27th, 2021, 1:19 pm

Legionaries are dispatched to guard the pitiful refuge camp after hearing reports of a mass killing in the area. Guards are left behind to ensure the safety of common citizens.


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Posts: 21
Character: Melchiore and Esme

Re: First Torian Reports

Post by Halcion_25mg » April 29th, 2021, 5:03 pm

***25Th Of Dewfall 1346***

*Whilst on patrol along the North Road, Tyro Garibaldi scouts the ruins of Briar's Hollow for the lost. He finds nothing alive and the town completely in shambles save two fair sized homes on the South East edge of town. A Pentagram (Known as part of Wytchcraft) is found carved into a nearby tree. The two homes appear to be in pristine condition. Beds made, food stuffs unspoiled, no sign of debris or bloodshed.*

Briar'sHollowMark.jpg (62.44 KiB) Viewed 4406 times

Posts: 26
Character: Marcus Calerus

First Torian Reports: Beach Village

Post by Thes » April 29th, 2021, 6:34 pm

25th of Dewfall, 1346 A.S.

Immunes Calerus ventured into the dilapidated remnants of the beach village east of Fort Perseverance. This was a part of his ongoing efforts to cull back the rodent population that reside within, a well-matched foe for the tailor. It provided the added benefit of enabling him to gather their droppings to be repurposed as manure for the garden.


The extermination took longer than he thought, but eventually the only whiskers he could see moving were from the breeze that rolled in off the waters. Bells that signaled the darkest hour tolled in the distance, and the Immunes discovered the rodents are not the only occupants that will need exorcised to clean up the area. He managed to defeat two of the haunting figures before being overwhelmed.


When he awoke the next morning, he limped his way back to the Fort of the First Torian Legion to fill his stomach which seemed to have become an endless void. His next trip after some rest will be accompanied by sunlight or some Legionnaires.

Posts: 26
Character: Marcus Calerus

Re: First Torian Reports

Post by Thes » May 6th, 2021, 4:39 pm

5th of Flowerbloom, 1346 A.S.

The bald and busy Immunes arrives at Highfield with note in hand, intending to leave it within the Chapel for review. To his surprise the Chaplain herself answers the gate to let him in.

Immunes Calerus consults with Chaplain Ramona of Highfield and Aspirant Ylena from the Order of Decus regarding the haunting of Beachside.

Ramona is decidedly willing to help conduct a grand Ascension Rite for the dead of Beachside.

To aid Ramona in preparing for the rite, Marcus sets off seeking to collect REDACTED, oil, and REDACTED.

He will also need to speak with the Praefectus regarding military presence to guard the rites and deal with any dark forces preventing the spirits' ascension.


The contents of the note.


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Posts: 21
Character: Melchiore and Esme

Re: First Torian Reports

Post by Halcion_25mg » May 18th, 2021, 6:12 pm

Date: 18TH of Flowerbloom 1346 A.S.
Where: Beachside, district of Briar's Hollow
What: Structural Habitability Survey

The district of Beachside consists of the following vital statistics:
Area: Approximately 2,400m2
Structures: 17 ramshackle structures in various states of decay.
Occupants: Rodents of various size.
ADVISORY: After dark numerous non corporeal beings seen moving beyond the fence, white robbed wytchs also observed.

Beachside, as the name suggests occupies a small beach south by south west of Briar's Hollow across the lake. The hamlet hugs the shore closely and appears to have been abandoned for some years. Proximity to water, and lack of maintenance has allowed water damage to accumulate and sand intrusion to shift foundations and buckle walls. Most structures are absolutely unfit for habitation based solely on these factors, others are unsuitable due to size. The following Diagrams will detail individual structures and my findings/recommendations.


Structures marked for demolition have been chosen either due to damage or unsuitable size. Area will require extensive cleanup and may require a sand break to prevent further encroachment. Alternatively a boardwalk could be constructed and if fishing is still viable in the area, the hamlet might support itself by selling aquatic foods and treasures. New structures may be build with available space. Additionally of interest is the small farm to the East, the existing structures are suitable for use; after the corpse is removed from the farm house. I recommend extending the fields to the West towards Beachside. This will allow Beachside to sustain themselves with vegetables rather than becoming dependent of handouts.

Posts: 52
Character: Rufus Vilantri

Re: First Torian Reports

Post by Mogrand » June 6th, 2021, 9:14 am

5th of Greengrass

Operation Phoenix

Mission Status: Ongoing


Assembly of both Legion and Civilian contractors have undergone the arduous task of debris clean-up and removal.
Work started off slow and steady with only a few of us on hand, reinforcements did arrive in tow of the Legatus which spurred everyone's spirits into overdrive, keeping us ahead of schedule.


Completion of the project was achieved a half-day early. The crews decided to work into the night, facing the potential hazards that might come with doing such. Their dedication and selflessness to the cause is without question.


Operation Phoenix is progressing as planned. From the ashes of the old we shall build the new, work will now shift to resource gathering and construction of new facilities.

Posts: 52
Character: Rufus Vilantri

Re: First Torian Reports

Post by Mogrand » June 8th, 2021, 1:57 pm

8th of Greengrass

Operation Phoenix

Mission Status: Complete


Laborers made quick work of the lumber needed for the initial repair of the few buildings left standing and the raising of another. Crews worked day and night, often in double shifts to see to the quick revitalization of the area. I feel they wanted to remove the visible scar of what had transpired, to which they have.


The new building is said to made into a place of the faith, along with the fertile and plentiful area that Highfield has to offer it will not take long for it to attract civilians.

The operation is a success.

Recommend guard deployment to area till later defenses can be accommodated.

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