New Character: Daniel Hopkins

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Fresh Meat
Posts: 1
Character: Daniel Hopkins

New Character: Daniel Hopkins

Post by Daniel » August 1st, 2023, 5:28 pm


Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played?

No prior experience

How did you hear about Requiem?

Multiple friends I've known through other RP games


What will your character’s name be?

Daniel Hopkins

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:

Appearance of being in his late 30's. Pretty standard medium build, with dark brown hair that almost looks black, and brown eyes. When going through long periods of work, he often looks a bit disheveled with stubble on his face, although rarely out to a full beard. He has been known to be able to clean up fairly well when in more formal environments or engaging in important business. He prefers wearing an array of hats and tends to keep his attire simple.

Please provide a few short paragraphs with pertinent details or notable qualities of your character’s history. This does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret:

Daniel grew up with his father in the province of Redholme, descendants of a displaced family that had moved eastward generations before. His mother had passed when he was very young, and his father brought him into the cutthroat world of business at a very young age. For these reasons, his ability to show empathy can be limited at times. His father made a living in the logging fields of Rustwood and the workshops of the city of Redholme. Through hard work his father was able to move up in the business world, albeit still not to the levels of the rich and powerful. Daniel worked numerous jobs requiring hard labor at a young age to help his father, who began teaching him the ways of commerce.

However, it became clear upon his father's death that his ability to start climbing the social and economic ladder was largely a facade. His father has built up a large debt to those who did not view death as a reason to forgive debts, and instead, the liabilities passed to Daniel. By this time Daniel had made a name for himself as someone who would go out into the vast, and sometimes dangerous lands of Redholme to scout and prospect natural resources.

One day Daniel was set to meet representatives from The Foundry in a pub. The location was higher class than many parts of Redholme, but not the fanciest place. It was well kept with a bar and a large section of oval tables surrounded by stools. Daniel had already been sitting at one of the tables when The Foundry representatives walked in, three older men.

The three men walked over and settled in at the table, one man in particular appearing to be the leader amongst them, having light hair and a short beard. "Daniel .... I hear you have something for us ..."

Daniel held up a piece of folded parchment, the contents hidden within, before setting it down on the table.

The Foundy man smiled slightly and nodded. "As expected ... it certainly takes some guts to go out in the fog, the danger, and crawl around in the dirt. I think you'll find the amount we're offering for the location of an ore vein to be reasonable, especially since there's no guarantee on the quality of it ..." The man pulled a parchment of his own from a vest pocket and set it down on the table so that it's clearly visible to all.

Daniel's eyes darted down briefly. "I've never led anyone astray before, have I?"

"I heard y'all haven't even filled one cart with viable ore yet ..." One of the other Foundry men interjected.

Daniel snorted slightly, "It seems news reaches you boys slow here, we've filled five carts," and paused slightly before reiterating "... five." The three Foundry men look at eachother before leaning in to whisper amongst themselves. After a few seconds one of them retracts the parchments and scribbles out some of the writing, before laying it back down on the table.

"That's one of the best offers we've ever made. You'll be a free man ... wipe away your debt."

Daniel looked up after eyeing the parchment, his eyes barely visible under the brim of his hat, he glared silently at the man across from him, apparently having broached a forbidden subject. He continue the glare until there was a clear discomfort forming at the table, before adding quickly, "... and a Quarantine Visa."

The head Foundry man at the table scrunched his face in a confused look. "Quarantine Visa ... why would you want something like that?"

"That's my business." The men looked at eachother again before one pulled up a small sack he had been carrying, pulling out yet another piece of parchment and sliding it to the leader, who looked it over briefly before signing it and sliding it across the table.

Daniel stood up from his stool, grasping the Quarantine Visa with one hand, and bending over the small agreement presented with the other. Without a word he stuffed the visa into his coat and began walking out. "Pleasure doing business ..." one of them muttered sarcastically.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:

Daniel views the quarantine zone as an opportunity to find treasures and resources, with the hopes of becoming a bigger fish than he would be allowed to be in the rigid structure elsewhere in the Republic.

Scenario Response:

It was too much noise, too many people. He'd be more comfortable tired and sweaty cutting down a tree rather than being surrounded by this chaos. He had gotten so close to the First Province and the perceived opportunities that lie within it. Everyone was being shuffled through various lines. He looked as if he barely slept over the last few days, but he could finally see the officiant at the front of the line.

"State your business and make it quick, citizen." The officiant spat out, barely looking at the endless sea of faces.

"Passage to the First Province." Daniel responded, flatly.

"Present your Quarantine Visa. If you do not have one, what possible justification do you have?" The officiant finally looked at Daniel from a pile of papers he was looking at.

"Yes ... I have a Quarantine Visa." He extended an arm holding the piece of parchment he had received from a deal he made with the Foundry.

The officiant held the document up, looking it over, before returning his gaze to Daniel. "Alright .. well this type of visa requires two authorized signatures, there's only one here."

Holding in the anger and frustration, Daniel replied quickly, "I'm sure we can agree that an authorization from a member of the Foundry should suffice."

"And what if we don't agree?" The two men locked in a staring contest while an endless sea of conversations went on around them. After what felt like an eternity, but was really only a few seconds, Daniel raised his eyebrows and hesitantly let out, "I noticed you dropped this when you came back to your station earlier." It was a bag of coins, what little was left after he had settled his family debt earlier that week.

The officiant grabbed the bag of coins before retracting his arm quickly and looking back down at the stack of papers. "Daniel Hopkins approved for entry. I do like to provide a short warning to all those who receive approval. The First Province is very dangerous, and you accept the risks and liabilities associated with that."

"Yes I do."

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 677
Character: Swaglord420

Re: New Character: Daniel Hopkins

Post by Coty » August 1st, 2023, 10:04 pm

Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!

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