Character Application - Occidere Vultus

Forum used for submitting new applications for characters on Requiem.

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Fresh Meat
Posts: 1
Character: OccidereVultus

Character Application - Occidere Vultus

Post by OccidereVultus » March 13th, 2024, 9:09 am

Do you have any experience with Requiem? If yes, then tell us in detail when (and which characters, if you want) you played before?


How did you find out about Requiem?

<My friend is playing>

What will your character be called?

<He was nicknamed Occi - short, full name Occidere Vultus. >

Please briefly describe your character's physical characteristics, including age, appearance, height, weight, and any notable features:

<He decided to test himself as soon as he reached the age of a man. At the age of 18, he has a strong build, short hair, and a scar on his right eye from a bear's claws. After talking with him, I heard that this young man was more or less educated and decent. I realized that he was confident in himself and his path. His height is above average, about 176 cm.>

Please provide a few short paragraphs with relevant details or notable qualities from your character's history. This doesn't have to be comprehensive or reveal any information you want to keep secret:

<I met this young man on the way to the city. As I learned, he is not local here and came here from some distant village, where he left his relatives. After downing a couple of glasses of wine, I learned its story:
He came from a village called Locust Village, an ordinary, unremarkable village, as he said, his village was engaged in raising farm animals, chickens, cows, sheep. By helping his father and mother, he acquired good knowledge in his business.
One rider was in the service of the knights and wandered into this village. Having noticed Occi at a young age waving a shepherd's hook at the sheep pens, he became interested in him. I saw the hidden potential - so Occi passed it on to me and took him on as my student. At the age of 11, Occi began his first journey and first training. As it became known later, every year, this knight traveled through his village, on instructions from his superior, during these periods Occi could see his relatives.
At the age of 17, the knight said that he had nothing more to teach Occi and he must find his purpose and set out on his own path.
Having explained his goal to his family, Occi took some food with him and the dagger set off on its journey.>

Briefly state your character's intentions or motives for entering the First Province:

<I heard a scream, I was walking along a path between tall trees. I hurried towards the sound and saw a girl trying to fight off some strange monster with stones; it was one who had risen from the grave. I have traveled with my teacher for many years, but I have never met such monsters. Realizing who it was, I began to tremble, I could not move, and it was as if my whole life flashed before my eyes. At one point I remembered my teacher's words about monsters and death. His words that sounded in my head gave me strength. Collecting my thoughts, I finished off this creature.>

Response to script:
<All my life I have helped my family, my teacher. I see my goal and go towards it. I have to be where I am really needed and can help. I must cleanse this world of evil.>

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 678
Character: Swaglord420

Re: Character Application - Occidere Vultus

Post by Coty » March 17th, 2024, 12:03 pm

Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!

One note: Requiem is more of a early 1800s setting. There's not really any Knights in the traditional sense, Templars would be the closest things to them. No nobility or anything like that but there is Prelacy which is sort of similiar, but different.

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