*A letter to Layne Bridges*

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Posts: 91
Character: Lucian Delavious

*A letter to Layne Bridges*

Post by Talexis » December 16th, 2018, 9:18 pm

"Mister Bridges,
It has been quite some time since I have spoken to you and I hope all is well with you and your men. I write to you with grave news from Fort Praesidium, heretics and apostates run rampant in these parts and it only gets worse by the day. There is a cult out here that even thinks itself higher than the Orders of the Church. I have formed an Order in these lands and have been trying to aid the Consortium in getting these rampant apostates into control before they can be even more of a threat to the faithful. In doing so I have taken many losses of my own men. We need order brought back to these lands, we need fear put back into the apostates and heretics, we need your men. I am hoping you can come and return these lands to order.

-Marcus Delavious"

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Aeolian Staff
Posts: 119

Re: *A letter to Layne Bridges*

Post by maldonado » January 15th, 2019, 7:02 pm

Master Delavious,

It would seem our time at the plantation did not go unforgotten, how nice it is to hear from you. While my time has taken me a bit away from your pack of survivors this letter has intrigued my senses. I will be visiting the area for the next few weeks for some unrelated matters. The Venerated Inquisition appreciates your aid in providing information to us, and we look forward to hearing more.

Layne Bridges

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