Keeping in Touch

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Character: Rikard Luzkin, Marcellus Avenicci,

Keeping in Touch

Post by Ericson » March 3rd, 2019, 8:40 pm


So I have come to notice that, over the last two weeks, staff presence has been lite of late.
Now, I understand we all have lives, and people are very busy -- i myself work the weekdays and sometimes weekends when im on call I understand completely. However, I would like to just ask staff members what they are doing, how things are going, and an update on schedules. At the very least knowing would be really nice currently I just dont know whats going on -- im enjoying myself but A hello, hows life is more or less what im asking.

The Watcher
Posts: 38
Character: Staff

Re: Keeping in Touch

Post by The Watcher » March 4th, 2019, 5:14 am

life is fantastic :)

My schedules shift around from time to time but trust that I am watching you all at least 6-14hrs a day depending on the day.

You may not always know that I am interacting with you but I am quite a bit.
I often take control of mobs to give them a more lifelike interaction as far as combat, to keep things varied and not the same monotonous fighting, or the occasional side comment from a random NPC or Guard. etc etc.

In the words of God from Futurama " If you do things right, people won't be sure that you've done anything at all" 8-)

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Aeolian Staff
Posts: 69
Character: Barnabas Haim

Re: Keeping in Touch

Post by Alteripseity » March 4th, 2019, 5:20 am

Hello, thanks for checking in!

The staff are all at work on various projects both in and off of Requiem. A few real life circumstances have come up, but we do not anticipate this to be a long-term issue.

My hours tend to fluctuate quite a bit, as I don't tend to have a regular sleeping pattern. You may see me active all day one day, but then only present at night! I'm currently awaiting a reply for part-time work, and if I'm hired, we can count on me keeping more stable online time. It's a work from home gig, so I can still be partially available throughout typical business hours. I'm still doing map work here and there; there's plenty of exciting sites to see ahead of us.

If anyone is in need of assistance, it's best to post here on the forums or on the player_help channel on Discord. Putting the word out there makes it so any available admin can jump in quickly to help.

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 253

Re: Keeping in Touch

Post by Rex » March 4th, 2019, 6:19 am

I think I check the forum the least, Discord the most and in game somewhere in the middle. This means checking the automatic reports sent by Reqserv bot to the private discord reporting channels. I check all these every few hours as they let me now about player activity, crashes, log in and outs, all commands used, special things like claim upkeep costs, legacy item purchases, etc etc.

There's a lot to cover and a task list that is still rather long. I try to work on those tasks at least a little bit each day and do the commits and server restarts when those task fixes are ready.

Posts: 18
Character: Raconteur

Re: Keeping in Touch

Post by Raconteur » March 4th, 2019, 1:35 pm

You guys know I’m generally around and when not requested to play the various story elements in and around FP, I’m walking around the world making trouble. I’ll admit my time has been reduced as my wife and I just had our first baby (15 days old as of today) but I’m IG as much as my time allows and always available on discord. I always tell y’all to PM me with your ideas and stories and we can make them happen IG with some effort (as long as they’re reasonable)

Posts: 3
Character: Thrax

Re: Keeping in Touch

Post by Thrax » March 9th, 2019, 8:59 pm

I think it's fairly obvious what I've been up to the last bit.

I'm a bit of a jack of all trades, I help out in a lot of different aspects of the staff and the shard as a whole. My most recent focus has been cracking down on the toxicity and addressing many of the present player concerns. I've mostly been an unknown and working in the shadows up until recently so hopefully you will all get a better grasp of who I am and what I'm doing day to day as time goes on.

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