
Got a good idea you’re itching to share? Think something should be changed? Stop by the Suggestion Box and share your opinions with the community.
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Posts: 26
Character: Furio


Post by Furio » March 27th, 2021, 9:33 pm


I would like to suggest some sort of teaching system which could end up being a perk or a trait (not everybody is a good teacher) and you would help someone train in certain skills the teacher is good at. That would allow for some interesting roleplay such as apprentice blacksmith, carpenter, whatever, squires, combat schools and so on. It would increase the chance the skill has to increase a boost, perhaps the good old 1% to increase would become 2 or 3%, who knows.

The details and how the mechanics work can be disccused later, what I'm presenting is simply the idea.

Posts: 165
Character: Elsea Hunter

Re: Teaching

Post by Meowakin » March 30th, 2021, 1:49 pm

+1 from me on this suggestion. It would be neat if there was a player interaction mechanic for teaching skills like you have in vanilla UO from NPCs. Probably difficult to code, but my suggestion would be something that would be like significantly increasing gains up to something like 50% skill in something while being 'trained' ([mentor?] by another player that has 70-80% plus in the same skill.

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