Application for Lazarus

Forum used for archiving approved character applications.
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Posts: 3
Character: Laz

Application for Lazarus

Post by Laz » January 24th, 2023, 9:05 am

Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played:
Yes, I play currently 

How did you hear about Requiem?
Google I think

What will your character’s name be?

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:
Lazarus is tall and slim, dusky skin, black hair and green eyes, he's in his 30s

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:
Lazarus hails from Kaduraas and made his way to the First Province to practice medicine and help those in need. Or at least that's what he tells the people he meets.

Please provide a few short paragraphs with pertinent details or notable qualities of your character’s history. This does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret:
He spent most of his early life in Antongrad learning allopathy and alchemy. Upon witnessing firsthand how the Legion treats those who journey through the city seeking help, Lazarus decided to go on a peregrination throughout every settlement in Kaduraas to bring treatment to those in need. He helped all without discrimination, heretics or otherwise, which didn't sit well with the Republic. He was eventually persecuted when word got out about his acts, and from all the tales he had heard in his journey outside Antongrad, he decided to make his way to the First Province.

Please write a few short paragraphs of an in-character response to the following scenario:
"Ah, I believe I have my visa right here..." Lazarus digs into his satchel as if looking for something and stops himself, looking up to the officiant with furrowed brows, he's dressed black robes and has a plague mask hanging by his neck. "Is that jaundice that I see, or maybe you've caught the torment? Whatever it is, you don't look well and I've seen a lot in all my years as a doctor, my friend." He shakes his head, faking concern for the guard.
The officiant looks uneasy, even turning a bit pale. "You're full of shit, I've never felt better. Stop wasting my time and hand over the visa." He says while holding out his hand to Lazarus.
"That is precisely how it starts, one moment you are feeling as healthy as an ox and the other you're foaming at the mouth, writhing in excruciating pain on the floor, as your eyes pop out of their sockets and your jaw falls off its hinges. It happened to a friend of mine who was also an officiant. Easily preventable if only he came to me for a check up before his mind was shattered into a million pieces." Lazarus lets out a sigh. "Have you never stopped to wonder how many of the people you speak to throughout the day could be infected" He motions around to all the people coughing and sneezing while waiting in line.
Lazarus places a small vial of an assortment of herbs onto the guard's palm. "Here, brew this into a tea and drink it eight times a day. It'll will hold off the infection until you let me through so I can have a proper look at your condition." The officiant retracts his hand, fist clenched around the vial, looking down to it for a long moment while chewing on his lip nervously. He finally steps out of the way quietly and places his hand on his forehead checking his temperature once Lazarus is out of sight.

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 677
Character: Swaglord420

Re: Application for Lazarus

Post by Coty » January 24th, 2023, 10:55 am

Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!

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