New Character: Niklaus Bellegarde

Forum used for archiving approved character applications.
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Fresh Meat
Posts: 1
Character: Niklaus Bellegarde

New Character: Niklaus Bellegarde

Post by Nova » September 29th, 2023, 9:20 pm


Do you have any prior experience with Requiem? If so, please detail when (and what characters, if desired) you previously played? I've played off and on for years since the beginning.

How did you hear about Requiem? Through friends.


What will your character’s name be? Niklaus Bellegarde

Please briefly describe the physical attributes of your character, including age, looks, height, weight and any notable features:

Niklaus is the very picture of androgenous beauty, his wavy golden hair falling in layers just at shoulder length. His skin is a sun-kissed tanned hue, seemingly free from blemishes or imperfections. And, while at a glance, the mischievous upturning of his lips hints at a playful nature, there is something haunting that lays behind his mismatched brown and green eyes. It's as if the very soul behind them is world weary, having seen enough troubles for multiple lifetimes, despite only appearing to be in his mid to late twenties. Still, he carries his lean form with the grace of a fencer, each step purposefully light and the movements of his limbs fluid.

Please provide a few short paragraphs with pertinent details or notable qualities of your character’s history. This does not have to be exhaustive nor revealing of any information you wish to keep secret:

The beginnings of Niklaus' life were relatively unremarkable. He had a mother, father, and even a couple of siblings to bicker back and forth with. His father enjoyed relative success in the textiles business, trading the majority of his goods with merchants throughout the region (though primarily in Redholme). His mother, as if a perfect compliment to his father's business, earned coin through making clothing from the very textiles that his father sold. It served as a good enough advertisement of what they could possibly be used for, giving the customer the hint of a dream. Niklaus took a particular interest in his mother's craft, learning bits of sewing here and there to help them get by. All in all, life was simple. Quiet. While his father traveled the realm to sell his goods, Niklaus stayed behind with his mother in the peace of their home in Coquelicot.

However, that idyllic peace was not to last. On a day like any other, the young boy wandered a little too far from his home while out enjoying the fresh air. It was then that he was abducted, spirited away from the only life he'd ever known in an instant. When he woke up, he was in a dark, dank room with other frightened, crying children. And it was this room where he would come to learn of the world. Nothing similar to the brilliant, peaceful life that he had known before, but a <i>new</i> life. One filled with horrific beatings, abuse, and <i>hunger</i> like he'd never known. Fate had dealt him a cruel hand, and it would be one he held for years to come.

His captors were very interested in his education. He learned many things while being kept in that dank, dark room. Books were one of the few luxuries afforded to him, though they always served a purpose. It's in that room that he had spent years of his life, having lessons beaten into him so his flesh remembered. And his captors quickly became convinced that they had scared him enough that running away wouldn't even be a thought that crossed his mind. They were very, very wrong. All it took was a careless mistake, a door being left unlocked and Niklaus took that very opportunity to flee.

After hitch hiking his way from town to town and eventually gathering enough coin, he made his way towards the only place he could think to go: The First Province. After all, there was no returning home. They wouldn't let their asset simply slip through their fingers so easily. But if he was able to make it to the First Province? That might prove to be a little further than even they were willing to travel.

Briefly state your character’s intentions or motivations for entering the First Province:
Niklaus is seeking entrance to the First Province to escape his captors, even if he knows it will likely be a one way trip. Aside from that, there may prove to be enough opportunity for him to earn some coin in some discovered treasure or from the current residents of the Province itself.

Scenario Response:

Tugging his jacket a little closer to his body, Niklaus attempts to ignore the despair that seems to loom in the air from the people standing in line. They all had their reasons for coming to this forsaken region, none of which he particularly cares to learn of. For some time now, every waking moment has been devoted to gathering enough coin to earn passage into the First Province and watching the shadows that linger just out of sight. How far behind him were they? He had no way of knowing, but the sooner he set foot on the soil within the province, the sooner he could relax a little.

Silly boy, the shadows of his mind tell him. You'll never be free.

Niklaus shakes his head, blond tresses brushing against his cheek as he forces the intrusive thought to the back of his mind. The sound of the officiant's voice draws him from his thoughts and he steps forward hurriedly. With a sunny, composed smile formed on his lips, he passes over his travel documents--as well as a hefty bag of coin. "Good day to you. I think you'll find everything in order there." He says, mismatched eyes watching the officiant's expression carefully, attempting to read into what might be going through his mind.

"The name is Niklaus Bellegarde. I'm here to help out where I can. Skilled labor and all that." Niklaus lifts a hand, palm upturned in a casual gesture before it falls promptly back to his side. "Just give the word and I'll be out of your way, good sir."

Aeolian Staff
Posts: 678
Character: Swaglord420

Re: New Character: Niklaus Bellegarde

Post by Coty » September 30th, 2023, 3:11 pm

Congratulations, adventurer! Your application is...


Please ensure that your character name is spelled correctly upon exiting the Songmaker's chambers. A GM will approve your character at their earliest convenience.

Welcome to Requiem!

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