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Greetings, curious scholar! Within these halls you shall find generations worth of compiled wisdom concerning the world of Eden, the Venerated Republic and its various peoples, and a plethora of other topics from the wonderful to the terrible. By clicking upon a topic of interest, you will be presented with a category of knowledge to further peruse and explore.

Act VI: Current Storyline


The current and on-going story-line of Requiem: Act VI.

Act VI (Coming Soon)

Main Plot: Act VI Prelude


Prior plot stories, narratives and tales compiled into the official lore Prelude to Act VI.

Prelude, Part I

Prelude, Part II

Decusian Religion and Faith


Prior plot stories and tales compiled into the official lore Novella.


Creationis I - III

Creationis IV - VI

Geography and Important Locations


Pertinent locations, territories and geography of the world of Eden.

Vitaveus: Western Territories

Vitaveus: Midlands

Vitaveus: Eastern Baronies

Main Factions of the Republic


The various Factions and cultures that populate the world of Eden.

The Decusian Venerated Templar (Coming Soon)

The Apothecary Corps

The Republic Foundry

The Venerated Legion of Decus (Coming Soon)

The Consortium

The Venerated Inquisition Corps

Sub-Factions of the First Province


Sub-factions and groups that call the First Province home…

The Forlorn Hope

The Collegium Ignimortium (Coming Soon)


World Concepts


The ideas, concepts and themes that influence the world of Eden and its’ people.

Technology & Science

Collection: Atrocitas & Banned Literature

Magic & The Arcane

Life in the Republic


Aspects of life and living conditions within the Venerated Republic.


The Prelacy

The Sempiternal (Coming Soon)